170+ Coolest Beard Styles to Grab Instant Attention
Having a beard is manly, that’s a fact. Maintaining a well-groomed and stylish beard is more important as it’s connected to your fashion sense.
That never means you should pick a hipster-looking beard just to show off your beard like many men do unintentionally and end up looking horrible with their amazing beard!
Pick a beard style that goes with your personality, face shape, attitude and facial hair (thin or thick). Not every beard style will suit everyone, so pick the right one from our list of the best beard styles for men in 2024.

Most men wear beard styles that are rugged and tough-looking. Many go with the traditional stubble, goatee or full beard which is totally cool too as it’ll look brilliant if it suits you like we see many men around us!
For most men, the Full beard is the most recommended style for people who have the capability of growing a full beard. But, if not just pick a smart and healthy beard style that’ll reflect your personality. To make a new look, be creative by mixing and matching different beard styles.
Cool Beard Styles
Don’t get yourself confused in the ocean of cool beard styles. Below is a list of various beard styles for men to help you choose your perfect beard.
1. Goatee without Mustache and Braided Hair
You want people to notice your beautifully braided hair but can’t see them completely ignore your face. Grow a typical goatee with a small soul patch. Leave out the mustache as it will get too much attention on your face and off your hair.
2. Thin Goatee and Mustache with Soul Patch
Goatee beard is the ideal choice for those who grow a patchy beard. A minimal and thin goatee combined with a moderately thin mustache can create a point of focus on your face. Sandwich a soul patch between the two and you have a stunning beard style despite its patchiness.
3. Curved Pyramid Mustache with Salt and Pepper Goatee
It’s quite astonishing how minimalistic this style is and yet so impactful. The style involves a thin curved pyramid above your upper lip and a petit goatee that hardly covers your chin. Within this minimal setup, you can add another dimension to the style by not dyeing your salt and pepper goatee.
4. Handlebar Mustache with Long Braided Beard
This beard style is a show stopper, but takes quite some time to grow. Grow that mustache with your beard until you can turn it into a handlebar. Let your beard grow and keep brushing it downwards so you can braid it.
5. Curly Amish Beard with a Bald Head
Call it the opposite of having hair and a clean-shaved face. If getting a bald head doesn’t get you noticed, your Amish beard surely will. Let your chin curtain be the center of attention by getting rid of the mustache and any other facial hair.
6. Halved Friendly Mutton Chops with Light Stubble
A little stubble on the face almost always looks good on a grown man. However, the star of the show here is your grey mutton chops–a perfect blend of style, age, and uniqueness. A slight difference here is the halved mutton chops that end in the middle of your cheeks rather than extending close to your chin.
7. Light Pencil Mustache with Extended Goatee
Can’t decide if you should keep it minimalistic or go for more? Do both! A light pencil mustache is barely visible, yet adds so much to the style. Cover your chin with a goatee that extends along your jawline. It’s quite a sharp look and can look great on people with pointy chins.
8. Petit Egyptian Goatee with High-fade Hairstyle
Aiming for a neat look that’s also minimalistic? Shave off your beard, mustache, goatee, and sideburns, and leave only a petit Egyptian goatee on the chin. The clean shaved face lets even the small goatee become visible. A high-fade hairstyle can perfectly complement this look.
9. Patchy Beard with Mustache and Soul Patch
Not everyone can grow a thick beard with long mustaches and curls. However, when you have a patchy beard, you can wear it with pride by not trimming any facial hair on your face. Let the patchy beard grow with mustache and soul patch.
10. Shaved Beard with Mustache and Soul Patch
Want to grow a beard that doesn’t require combing, brushing, and oiling? What could be better than a triangular soul patch and a natural parted mustache? Shave the rest of the beard so your mustache and soul patch can be in the limelight.
11. Professional Beard
This beard requires plenty of detailed attention. The hair should always be short and the lines must be shaped tighter. With the professional-looking beard, it gives a strong character and high definition. To create a stunning professional beard, you must also shave the neck area make a defined line below the chin area. Moreover, the beard must evenly connect with the mustache.
12. Full Beard
Donning of a full beard is known to be a classic expression of manly beards. Having a full beard also shows you’re the manliest of all men. Further, it shows how macho, confident and bold you are. When groomed, your full beard looks classy while if not it shows how rugged you can be. Known as the most popular beard style, full beard needs very little maintenance.
Splendid Beard Designs [2023 Edition]
13. Captain Jack
If you are familiar with Captain Jack Sparrow, you already know where the name of the beard came from. A fan of the famous pirate in movies or not, Captain Jack beard style is hitting the waves. It’s a combination of mustache, soul patch and little goatee whiskers. To maintain this beard, regularly trim and shave the hair. Keep it always clean looking by using a wax.
14. Hipster Beard
This rough appearance requires a high level of maintenance since you need to grow a large amount of hair on your face. This full beard style is long and combines stylishly with a clean cut pompadour hairstyles.
15. Dyck beard
The Van Dуkе bеаrd ѕtуlе gеtѕ its nаmе from thе 17th Century Flеmiѕh painter Anthony Van Dуkе. Thiѕ bеаrd ѕtуlе wаѕ hiѕ ѕignаturе lооk, but hаѕ recently еxреriеnсеd a rеѕurgеnсе in рорulаritу. Thе theory behind thе Vаn Dуkе bеаrd ѕtуlе iѕ simple: a gоаtее combined with a muѕtасhе. This can be a good beard idea for men who want to adopt a modern beard.
In copying this style, it is a combination of growing both the pointy mustache and beard. There is no hair on the side of the face. When copied perfectly, it creates an artsy look but usually needs maintenance to keep the mustache always pointy.
16. ChinStrap Beard
Chin strap is a non-full beard that is like a thong located in your face. If you don’t want to keep full beard styles, you might want to keep a chin strip to keep a little manliness in your character. The style is essentially a long soul patch which extends down to the tip of the chin.
17. Horseshoe Moustache
This beard with mustache style can bring good looks while flaunting horseshoe-shaped mustache wraps around the mouth. This is the best type of beard for men who have the round face or angular face.
18. Door Knocker Beard
The Doorknocker facial hairstyle is one of the most popular beard styles for men. Oftentimes, this beard is mistakenly called a goatee, but actually, it’s not. Maintaining a door knocker beard is very easy. Using an adjustable beard trimmer at least once a week, you can easily maintain it.
19. Balbo Beard
The Balbo full beard keeps your looks warm with the combination of handlebar mustache and good coverage facial hair just above the neck. To add more character, allow the hair to grow up to three inches from both sides of the chin and shave the rest to have a clean look.
20. Hollywood Beard
The Hollywood beard once had a very promising era in the world of full beard styles. And it’s no coincidence that most of the Hollywood artists sported a look such as this. This beard style offers a vintage look with its thick shaved beard and very careful cropped boxed beard. Indeed, this beard style is not just for the rich and famous, it’s for every masculine type of guy.
21. Boxed Beard
This type of beard shape sports a common boxer beard style. It’s just an easy combination of mustache and chin whiskers. With a look that almost portrays a fully grown facial hair around the mouth.
22. Lumberjack Beard
This kind of beard styling doesn’t need a flannel shirt or any axe just to pull most of the lumberjacks signature facial hair. It requires a very well maintained down the sideburns which also needs to grow the facial hair from the cheeks down to the chin. It’s a superb masculine look that will attract multiple women.
23. Old English Beard
The Old English full beard brings a lot of ruggedness and sophistication. This mixes several beard styles with a full beard, door knocker and muttonchops. Moreover, the Old English gives almost full facial coverage but highlights the cheekbones.
24. Crusader Beard
If you want to have a good looking physique, then Crusader Beard is best for you. This facial hair gives a added protection to your face with its thick hair. The full hair coverage along the jawline and cheeks shows a unique combination of a Full beard and Tight beard styles.
25. Musketeer Beard
When sporting a Musketeer beard, you don’t need to dress up like a musketeer as well. Just a look in your face lets your character pull it off. This kind of beard defines the upper lip and chins which are not too hard to maintain.
26. Anchor Beard
Riding a boat or not, this adventurer look of an Anchor beard provides every man a great look with its anchor shape facial hair. The chin and jawline are defined together with a pyramid-shaped mustache or a pencil thin mustache.
Trim hair аll around уоur mouth uѕing a bеаrd trimmеr, giving ѕресiаl аttеntiоn tо thе сhin аnd thе mouth. Now bу uѕing a рrесiѕiоn trimmеr, сrеаtе a clean сut border аrоund thе place, whеrе your сhin аnd nесk mееt. Draw thе еdgе оf thе goatee, three inсhеѕ from еасh ѕidе of the сhin. Now to dеfinе thе uрреr еndѕ of your gоаtее, ѕhаре the mustache linking thе chin аnd bottom lip in a rectangle shape.
27. Chevron Moustache With Soul Patch
This military looking mustache with a goatee is sharper, angled and a bit wider. The Chevron mustache is back in the hitting the mustache and beard styling of men.
28. Mutton Chops Beard
The sideburns of the Mutton Chops beard resemble a swath in your face. It gives a very famous yet dramatic full beard. This is best grown on men with a round face. Further, men with pointed chins should not grow a beard such as this style. It’s always good to know that keeping Mutton Chops should always be trimmed to avoid a dirty look.
29. Friеndlу Muttоn Chорѕ
There is a ѕlight vаriаtiоn bеtwееn thе Friеndlу Muttоn Chops ѕtуlе of bеаrd to the rеgulаr Muttоn Chорѕ. Friеndlу Mutton Chорѕ still involves ѕidеburnѕ but these hаvе tо extend tо thе еdgе of the mоuth and hаvе tо bе соnnесtеd tо a mоuѕtасhе. Kеер in mind thаt the mustache iѕ thе mаin diffеrеnсе.
Tо grow Friendly Muttоn Chорѕ, аllоw sideburns grow tо the corners оf your mоuth, аt thе same timе аllоwing the mоuѕtасhе to grоw,tоо. Allоw thе twо tо connect tо each other. Thеn, tеrminаtе part оf thе ѕidеburnѕ bу drawing аn imaginary vеrtiсаl line defined аt еасh соrnеr оf thе mоuth.
30. Zappa Beard
This type of beard is named after the famous rock and roll guitarist, the late Frank Zappa. The style uses a dark mustache with a thick soul patch. The Zappa beard style has about 2 inches wide and 1 inch long facial hair style. Further, this is also regarded as one of the best styles of facial hair.
31. Klingon Beard
The Klingon beard hairstyle is a short boxed beard, however, it does not have a mustache on it. Known to be named after a fictitious alien race, Klingon beard is real. A Star Trek fan or not, this kind of beard styling is one to help your face look abundant.
32. Tight Beard
The Tight beard needs to have plenty of determination and detail to grow it neatly. The hair though should be kept shorter while the lines must be tighter. The end result of this style is a defined character and stunning elegant look.
33. Pilot Moustache
The Pilot mustache doesn’t need you to fly a plane just to have a Pilot looking mustache. Just a few trim and shave below the mouth and above the chin allows you to have a respected Pilot looking beard. This type of facial hair doesn’t require a high maintenance at all.
34. Goatee Beard
The Goatee primarily sets the foundation of most facial hair designs. Usually combined with a moustache, the Goatee was coined from the long hair that is seen on the chin of the goat. But, this kind of facial design is lauded with is length and face mixes which enhance the jawline.
35. Classic Full Beard
This stylish beard is perfect for the young and bold look. This will give you an energetic and healthy impression. We really love this beard because both young and old men will look equally appealing with this beard.
36. Long Beard with Moustache
One of the most popular beard styles with a mustache. This style should be chosen by those who own a healthy beard. If you can grow this mustache then surely you will get an awesome combination of beard and mustache.
37. Elegant Short Beard with Moustache Liner
This beard is elegant and one of the coolest one you will find. You will love to get this beard with this side parted haircut as it will increase overall blend and make you look stylish and cool both at once!
38. Bald and Rough
If you are bald with a close to round face shape and want to grow a beard we recommend you to try this! It’s stylish, bold and will enhance your personality. Perfect for both young and old.
39. Modern Full Beard with Moustache and Patch
If you have a spiky haircut this will definitely look hot. Growing this will need your beard to be healthy and good maintenance. Take care your beard regularly to make it intense and healthy. Otherwise, don’t try this. Middle-aged men will look more attractive than any other with this classy facial hairstyle.
40. Hot Beard with Long Hair
Do you have a long hair? If yes, you can try this beard that will go perfectly with the long hair. It’s a manly style commonly seen with the Hollywood actors.
41. Curved Moustache and Smooth Hair
Look super suave by combing back your medium to long hair and emphasizing your moustache’s shape with curved ends. Keep the goatee longish but shave smooth the sides.
42. Heavy Part and Bushy Beard
If your hair is on the longer side, give it a heavy part, add a high fade, and leave your beard bushy for that rugged look. The blonde color adds a sort of lumberjack vibe here.
43. Thick White Beard
A slightly edgy and punk vibe is easy to add to your beard but you don’t need to sacrifice color. Just leave a spot of black in there and leave the rest to grow its natural color – white in this case.
44. Thick Hair with Squared Beard
Women love a thick head of textured hair and by keeping your beard shaped with straight lines for a boxy appearance, you can accentuate it and brag about a good hair day every day!
45. 3/4 Part
Is your hair showing a little more gray lately? Let them peek through on your beard and pair it with a heavy 3/4 part. Make sure you add the fade to this style because hair that is all one length will seem a little overwhelming.
46. Swooped Up Front with Shadowed Beard
A 5 o’clock shadow is super hot on men. We love this pairing of a long haircut with sexy textured front and a shadowed beard. This look also helps you stay looking put together, perfect for the office.
47. Slightly Scruffy
Many men find that their beard doesn’t grow in evenly. If that’s you, take advantage of it and leave it slightly scruffy and patchy. Paired with a smooth combed back head of hair, it’s a handsome look.
48. Cornrow Fade and Fresh Moustache
For men with natural hair, opt for a handsome protective style like cornrow braids. A low fade with a sharp shaved in line and a low beard complete with mustache is fine for the office.
49. Bald and Shaped Beard
Draw attention to your favorite feature (facial hair) and play with shaping the lines. This goatee features an upside down curved line, straight sides, and the beard is slightly shadowed and curved as well.
50. White and Round Beard
To avoid having your look seem too “old man,” give shape to a full beard. The round appearance to this white beard ensures you can rock the length but not cross the line into sloppy.
51. Long Goatee with Short Sides
A man with a short afro is a style to covet. Pull the look together with a long goatee and short thick sides.
52. The Eccentric
Going for a style everyone will notice? A sectioned beard like this one will get you there. Use beard styling cream to form small curved sections that point in opposite directions.
53. The Classic
Nowadays, the beard style above is a popular look for young men. Hair is fairly short with a gradual buzzed fade and the beard is connected but buzzed short as well.
54. Thick Moustache with Super Short Beard
If you’re into experimenting with the different beard styles, consider this thick moustache with a minimal beard. The shorter the beard, the more everyone will notice that moustache.
55. Textured Side Comb and Thin Beard
Does facial hair tend to come in thin for you? You might like to try working with what you got and just playing with the shape like above. Sides are wider while the moustache is thin.
56. The Biker Beard
Is there anything hotter than a biker look? Rough and ragged is easy to pull off – just keep a full beard and moustache, and style up the hair with just a comb back and faded sides.
57. Slicked Back and Sleek
For a date or the office, if a sleek look is your style, you don’t need to do anything other than make sure the beard is the same width around and the moustache stays thin.
58. Tiny Moustache with Super Thick Beard
Contrasting thicknesses can be a good look. Try copying this style with its very thick beard and thin moustache; the moustache may help thin lips look fuller. Disconnected sideburns lead to a gradual fade.
59. Extra Long Beard
If you’re proud of that long beard, no need to chop it. Let it and your moustache grow long on a gradual faded hairstyle with an off center part. Avoid letting your beard get too out of control by using style creme and combing through.
60. Minimalist Goatee
Picture Iron Man with his minimalistic facial hair style and you can see why women love it. You’ll also love the low maintenance but well-shaped style.
61. Curved Lines with High Fade
By shaping your beard and playing with different lengths of hair, you can accentuate the parts of your face you like. Curved lines make a pronounced face softer and also pair well with a high fade.
62. Spiky Beard
This is a look that does not go well with all men. You must be a very confident man to wear such a bold look. It requires daily high maintenance but you will be as stylish as you can be. It is a look for young as well as old men and can be used with a bold head or funky hairstyle.
63. Beard with connected Mustache
One of the new trends mostly seen this year. A full beard with a connected mustache, both chin area and side growing evenly, covering much of the face can be a great look. It is a low maintenance look and is suitable for any age and it looks good.
64. Dense Full Beard
The Full beard is the manliest facial hairstyle you can go with. Be ready to groom your beard often, otherwise, you will suffer for choosing a full beard.
65. Goatee and Mustache back to 50’s
Want to style your beard like the 50’s elegant style? Get this to look like a 50’s rock-star in the modern age! This generally suits most of the face shapes so if you like it you can try this.
66. Brownish Combo
Do you have a brown hair or close to that? If yes, grow a long full beard to make a full brown combo. This will look good especially to white men.
67. Rolled Mustache
The rolled mustache is one of the most difficult to maintain. It implies serious commitment. You have to wash it, comb it every day. This is the perfect look for those who live in a glamorous way but always ready for a fight.
68. French Fork
A Frеnсh Fоrk bеаrd is a very diѕtinсtivе style. It’ѕ ѕtill considered a full bеаrd look, but iѕ сhаrасtеrizеd bу hair еxtеnding раѕt thе сhin аnd ѕрlitting dоwn thе middle in two ѕеgmеntѕ аnd iѕ nаmеd for thе fact that original French forks оnlу hаd 2 prongs.
69. Simple Full Beard
The bearded men are up in the market. This is a noticeable change even in heartthrob’s novels, photographic models and artists in general. This is a great look and makes you look handsome.
70. Sideburns chin strap beard
A man who has such facial hairstyle is very cool and sexy. It is a very easy beard to grow and maintain, very straight, it gives the image of a strong man with a very strong jawline. Women go crazy with this type of beard because it portraits an image of a clean and committed man.
71. Ducktail
Thе Ducktail beard iѕ аnоthеr twist off thе оriginаl full beard аnd gеtѕ its nаmе frоm its арреаrаnсе. Bу lооking аt it, уоu can еаѕilу ѕее how muсh thе bоttоm раrt оf this ѕtуlе оf bеаrd rеѕеmblеѕ thе tаil of a duсk.
72. Chin beard without mustache
You don’t need to have a funky haircut to wear this beard. You can shave your head to give more emphasis to your beard. You need to look after it in order to maintain a healthy and clean look Young men look very attractive with this cool facial hairstyle but an old man can as well be successful with it.
73. Rough Neck Beard
This is a more casual look for a beard hairstyle, you just need to let it grow and it’s best suited for men with irregular face hair. Man that live a day at a time, will wear this beard like a glove. Just need to keep it clean and with a healthy aspect.
74. Latest Balbo with Mustache
This facial hairstyle is very pleasing to the eye and one of the coolest you will see. You can wear it with short or long hair, and you must give it a steady maintenance to keep it well treated at all times. Regular shaving and sharp edges are all you need to do, to always have a defined and sexy look.
75. Amish Beard
Amish beard is more common in older men and doesn’t require much maintenance, you just have to shave your mustache and let it grow freely. To keep it healthy wash it every day and comb it as well. If you are looking to grow a beard that just needs to get bigger and bigger this is the look for you. You will be considered even more honest and reliable than ever.
76. Raw Circle Beard
Circle beard is a popular beard style that mixes a goatee with a clean mustache. It’s called circle beard because you need to grow chin hair and mustache together, some call it the door knocker. It is one of the coolest beards and this year you might see many of people having. Keep it well treated and don’t let it grow.
77. Sоul Pаtсh
The еаѕiеѕt lооk is thiѕ оnе. Firѕt, trim off аll the fасiаl hаir except for уоur soul раtсh. Using a trimmеr, trim your hаir frоm thе сhin until only juѕt a bunch оf hаir are lеft undеr your bоttоm liр. Mаkе thе еdgеѕ tidу bу using a ѕhаvеr.
78. Brad Pitt Goatee
This is the perfect beard style for appealing to female audiences. You don’t need to be very stylish or good looking because this beard style will give you the perfect facial hair to make a statement. You just need to wash it and keep it short and well cut.
79. Long Goatee with Twist
Awesome beard for a man with a mustache that wants to make a strong statement. It combines a growing mustache with a long chin beard that needs to be taken care of. wash it, comb it and wax it to get the most of your goatee with a little twist to please the ladies.
80. Dutсh
Thе Dutch Bеаrd iѕ knоwn to be аn оld-ѕсhооl bеаrd ѕtуlе. It iѕ commonly associated with the lumberjack type оf facial hair. Thе Dutсh also referred to аѕ thе Old Dutсh is a large аnd lоng bеаrd. It is соnnесtеd by ѕidеburnѕ and iѕ аllоwеd tо flare оutwаrdѕ аt thе bоttоm.
Best Beard Styles for Men: Ultimate List
While some men don’t care that much about their appearance, there are many guys who know how important style is. Beard is a perfect way to create an image, be it a strong macho or a romantic knight in shining armor. We have handpicked beard styles for men to help you get your idea. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to style your beard short or long, goatee or chin strap, with or without a mustache. No matter how hard styling and growing a beard is, after all, it only takes a minute to shave the beard off!
If you are thinking that a beard won’t suit your face, you are totally wrong. All you need is a good professional to pick the right beard style based on your face shape. Get some ideas from the below list, go to a good salon and ask the professional if it’ll suit your face.
81. Wiseman Bearded Look
If you have thick and wavy facial hair, you can get this amazing Wiseman look just by letting your beard grow. All you need to do is shape the beard on a regular basis and pay some special attention to the mustache.
82. Chin curtain with a pencil mustache
While looking small and simple, this chin curtain beard is actually not too easy to maintain. Frequent trimming is necessary to keep the shape intact. The overall result is truly amazing and can conquer some hearts.
83. Short full beard
Full beards are often hard to make and maintain but they look the most striking. You’ll need to spend about a month to grow such a beard, but as soon as you learn to keep it neat, you can reap the amazing beard style benefits.
84. Stubbly Balbo
This is a simple variation of the balbo beard. Essentially, it’s a little messy chin curtain coupled with a mustache. There is no connection between the beard and the mustache, which makes this beard a little trickier to style.
85. Medium-full with whiskers
Full beards are the most stunning choices for all men. Besides looking stylish, they can shape your face the way you always wanted to. By adding thin whiskers you connect your hairstyle to the beard.
86. Garibaldi beard
This full beard is an amazing choice for men who like long and thick facial hair. Such beard doesn’t require too much maintenance except for weekly touch ups. But you’ll need to learn how to keep it clean.
87. Full beard with a horseshoe mustache
A nice neat full beard coupled with a horseshoe mustache is exactly what you need to make a statement. The better you learn how to shape your full beard, the more magnificent it will look.
88. Full and Healthy Beard With Messy Hair
The classic full beard involves shorter sideburns and longer chin part. The overall shape is close to triangular. Adding handlebar mustache is a good choice to underline the prominence of the beard.
89. Chin covering curtain
Most of the time men decide to keep their necks shaved. However, this type of beard is also a great choice since it eliminates the shaving. If you have sensitive skin, keeping the shaving to a minimum is recommended.
90. Eastern beard with a pencil mustache
If you have thick facial hair, you can enjoy a striking eastern beard. The cheeks are almost fully covered with hair while the mustache is thin. The contrast makes your beard look very stylish.
91. Connected goatee
Goatees are conquering the world. These beard styles vary greatly and it’s easy to find something suitable for yourself. A goatee coupled with a full mustache is a great choice for a macho look.
92. Light goatee
This goatee will appeal to guys who don’t have too much facial hair. The main part of it is focused on the chin, while the sides can be left shaved or covered with sparse hair.
93. Patchy Beard
Depending on how uniform your facial hair is, you can choose this beard style. For example, if there is no uniformity but you still want a full beard, don’t be afraid of letting some patches show. They are stylish! Or you can try to fix the patchy beard.
94. Brutal macho
One of the modern ways to go about growing a beard is keeping it neat on the face and letting it grow wild down the neck and beyond. Such an approach creates a serious macho look many guys like to flaunt.
95. Handlebar Mustache
Even the simplest chin curtain will look stunning when coupled with the right mustache. Handlebars mustaches look amazing but a little tricky to style. Don’t worry, you’ll get a hang of it fast enough.
96. Fun shapes
The amazing advantage of full beard styles is how you can shape them. Let your imagination run wild here and take the scissors. Make it round, square, or even triangular. There are no limits here.
97. Oh, those whiskers
Adding full whiskers to your beard will completely change your appearance. They are a little harder to grow since not all men have significant hair growth in that area. If you do, you are lucky!
Best Biotin Products for Beard Growth That Works
98. Neat and respectable Short Beard
Short full beards with modern handlebar mustaches can create a respectable appearance in a matter of weeks. If you think you need to add some respectability to your look, such a beard can be a great help.
99. Bristly beard
If you have curly hair, you can create an attractive bristly beard. The whiskers stay pencil thin, while the lower part of your beard is at least one inch long. You can add a chevron mustache if you wish.
100. Chinstrap and goatee mix
This chinstrap and goatee mix is a perfect way to make a statement while looking neat. The lower part of the beard can be patchy and the mustache is not necessary at all.
101. Uniform and full
Keeping the beard neat is an art all on its own. Such facial hairstyle can be achieved if you have thick and straight hair. You’ll need to learn how to maintain in on a daily basis.
102. Chin curtain with a chevron mustache
Chin curtain looks perfect with a chevron mustache if you manage to keep the areas in between neat and shaved. A neat patch below the lips makes this beard style even more attractive.
103. Long and attractive beard style
The longer you grow your beard, the more striking it will look. Once you learn how to take care of a short beard, a long one will be as easy as a piece of cake. Add a long mustache and a magnificent image is ready.
104. Classic chin curtain with handlebar
This classic chin curtain is exactly what you need to make an impression. The top part of your face must be clean shaved while the bottom part reminds a neat curtain cascade. The handlebar mustache is a great addition.
105. Full and outstanding
This beard is easy to make if you have thick facial hair that doesn’t grow in patches. It’s a wonderful addition to any style depending on how neat you make it. Full and long beards are something to be proud of.
106. Triangular goatee
Learning how to shape your full beard is an art any man can master. You can practice a little on your long beard before making any drastic moves. If you are not sure you can do a good job, ask for professional assistance.
107. Short and romantic look with wavy hair
Short and nicely styled chinstraps coupled with mustaches of any shape are a wonderful way to create the romantic look many men want. Use these beard styles to completely change your image.
108. Full beard with the walrus mustache
The combination of neatly styled full beard, a walrus mustache and a stylish taper fade is exactly what you need to stand out from the crowd. If a guy can manage a beard, all the style options are open for him.
109. Short Verdi style
This beard style is designed to take the roundness away from your face shape. The sharp edges of this beard are appealing and enticing. You can add a short pyramidal mustache and sideburns.
Thе Verdi fеаturеѕ a mоuѕtасhе thаt is diѕtinсt frоm thе bеаrd. The mоuѕtасhе muѕt nоt grow mоrе thаn 1.5 сm раѕt thе соrnеr of the mоuth.
110. Spade beard with a handlebar
If your hair is long and thick, why not take advantage of it on your face? A prominent spade beard with a neat handlebar mustache will make your image more respectable and interesting.
111. Highlights
If you thought that highlighting is only for the hair on your head, think again. You can come up with an amazing style with the help of various hair shades. Consider dyeing your mustache a lighter hue than the beard.
112. Let it grow
Some guys believe that an unmanageable beard should stay a little messy. All depends on how you view your style. If an untidy beard suits your image, you can enjoy a maintenance-free option.
113. One-size chin curtain with a stubbly mustache
Chinstraps and chin curtains are gaining upon the goatee in popularity. A well-styled short chin curtain coupled with a stubbly mustache or no mustache at all looks solid and effective on any occasion.
114. Easy Game
This moderately short stubble with a mustache doesn’t require too much styling effort. You’ll need to pay attention to the neatness of the mustache while the stubble can grow without too much trimming.
115. Prominent mustache
Sometimes the way the beard looks is upstaged by a well-styled mustache. A great mustache coupled with a simple beard will create a wonderful impression. Keep the focus on your pyramidal mustache. You can see the best mustache styles here.
116. The fuller the better
Full beards will never go out of style and the fuller they are, the better they look. There are a few downsides of sporting a long full beard, such as problems with clean eating and skin troubles.
117. Dyed Beard
A beard can be dyed as easily as the hair on your head. So why not take advantage of such a technique? Make your beard lighter or darker than your natural hair or try some outrageous colors.
Rogaine for Beard Growth: Does It Really Work?
118. Full with a soul patch
The soul patch is a wonderful addition to any beard. It might take some time to shape, but it will make your overall image more striking. Mustache, soul patch and a full beard make a great beard style!
119. Full beard Plus Comb Over Hair
Your amazing full beard will look especially prominent if you chose a suitable hairstyle. Consider choosing something short, such as a taper fade, an undercut or even a mohawk to create contrast.
120. Full Beard + Long Hair
If you have a long beard and know how to style it, the world is at your feet. Consider creating different shapes, including rectangular, triangular, round and curve. All of them are fantastic!
121. Asymmetrical beard
Just like with hairstyles, the asymmetry in the beard world rules. So create some beard styles that involve asymmetry and see how it looks. Don’t go for anything drastic at first. You might not like it.
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122. Night curtain
This type of chin curtain with a mustache is great for men with very dark and thick hair. By playing around with the shape, you can get a fully hair-covered lower part of the face. No hassle with the soul patch!
123. Short and stubble
When choosing the length of your beard, the short one might seem like a good choice. However, you must remember that short beards require daily touchups, while longer usually need weekly maintenance.
Like short beard? Try These Stubble beard styles
124. Beard and Ivy League Haircut
An Ivy League style involves a very neat beard with a shaved neck and pencil or pyramidal mustache. The tidier your facial hair looks the more suitable it is for important occasions.
125. Hipster beard with knot hairstyle
The longer your mustache is, the more effective your beard will look. The mix of a long mustache and a full beard is the best indication of a dedicated and fashionable man.
More Dashing Beard Styles for 2024
These are only some of the coolest beard styles to give you ideas for your own facial hairstyle. Always try to pick one according to your face size and shape. Go to a good salon or hairstylist. Check if they are professional and know what they are doing with your beard.
Also, consider your hairstyle before choosing a specific one. Don’t just copy other beards as they may not work for you. Grow your beard with care as it’s important to have a healthy beard to get many of these styles. Consult with a hairstylist if you’re really serious about the beard.
Wow! I fell in love more times I can count
I think a simple full beard looks more attractive on man more than other of these styles, but the choice is yours, really informative post, Pleasure for share, Keep doing :).