How to Use Minoxidil For Beard Growth? Does It Really Work?

The slow progress of natural beard growth can be a bummer for anyone dreaming of a thick and full beard. That’s why many hopeful beard lovers see minoxidil as their potential savior.

There are lots of debate and confusion about using minoxidil for beard growth. You might find yourself in a dilemma, pondering age-old questions like: “Does minoxidil really work for beard growth?” and “How do I use minoxidil for beard growth?

Fear not! We have got your back. This article will show you the twists and turns of minoxidil treatment for beard growth. So give this a read and decide if it’s the right path for your beard’s glorious future.

What is Minoxidil?


Minoxidil is a widely available medication frequently utilized for addressing hair loss in both men and women. Initially, it was an oral tablet for hypertension. But later people discovered an amazing side effect of minoxidil: hair growth!

Since then it became more popular in hair loss treatment. This side effect encouraged beard enthusiasts to try it for beard growth. Minoxidil is now available as a topical solution.  

Does Minoxidil Work For Beard Growth?

using Minoxidil for beard growth

The FDA approved oral minoxidil for high blood pressure in 1979 named as Loniten. But then—surprise!—hair growth popped up as a side effect. The topical Minoxidil got the green light under the brand name Rogaine for the Upjohn company hair loss treatment from FDA in 1988. 

Though minoxidil is not approved by FDA for facial hair growth, many individuals have reported success after using minoxidil for beard growth. 

Scientific Research and Evidence

There are limited studies specifically addressing minoxidil’s effectiveness for beard growth. A study conducted in Thailand found that a 3% minoxidil solution applied twice daily led to increased beard growth in healthy men over a 16-week period.

You can find 2% minoxidil, 5% minoxidil, 10% minoxidil, etc in the market. Upto 5% topical Minoxidil (approved in January 2006) has FDA approval for hair loss treatment. There is not enough data to prove oral minoxidil effectiveness for beard growth.  

More research is needed to establish its effectiveness and long-term effects on beard growth. There are also some reported side effects of using minoxidil on beard. So, avoid 10% or more concentrated minoxidil solution for improving beard growth. 

Minoxidil’s Mechanism of Action

Minoxidil has been proven effective in treating hair loss, especially androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). It has been shown to help slow down hair loss, and in some cases, promote hair regrowth.

The exact mechanism by which minoxidil stimulates hair growth is still not fully proven. It is believed that minoxidil works by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles, providing them with more nutrients and oxygen.

This stimulates the hair growth phase, promoting thicker and healthier hair. Facial hair growth also depends on these factors. So using minoxidil can boost your beard growth too.

Minoxidil works by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles, providing them with the necessary nutrients for growth. It also prolongs the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle, resulting in longer, thicker hair.

Minoxidil’s Effects on Beard Growth

Initial Growth Phase: During the first few weeks of minoxidil use, you may notice an increase in vellus hair (fine, colorless hair) on your face.

Transition Phase: Over time, vellus hair will transition into terminal hair (thicker, pigmented hair), resulting in a fuller beard.

Terminal Phase: After consistent minoxidil use, your beard may reach its full potential, with the majority of hairs being terminal.

Factors to Consider

The effectiveness of minoxidil depends on a few factors.

From the experiences of those who succeeded and those who failed to grow a beard using minoxidil, we have identified the characteristics of individuals who should consider using minoxidil and those who may not benefit as much from its use.

Who should use minoxidil for beard growth:

  • Individuals with patchy beard growth who want to improve the overall thickness and fullness of their facial hair.
  • Those who experience slow beard growth and want to speed up the process.
  • People struggling with beard density, looking to increase the thickness of individual hair strands.
  • Individuals who cannot grow a beard due to genetic or hormonal factors

Who may not be benefited from using minoxidil for beard growth:

  • People who already have a full and dense beard, as minoxidil may not significantly enhance their beard growth.
  • Some health conditions, such as thyroid disorders or autoimmune diseases, can cause uneven beard growth. Minoxidil might not be as effective for beard growth for individuals with these conditions. 
  • Those who are unwilling or unable to commit to the consistent application of minoxidil. Minoxidil should be applied twice a day. Inconsistent discontinued usage may result in ineffectiveness
  • People who have tried minoxidil in the past without seeing any improvement in their beard growth.

Please note that individual experiences and results can vary. The decision to use minoxidil for beard growth should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional.

How to Use Minoxidil for Beard Growth

how to use Minoxidil for beard growth
Dharmapada behera/Shutterstock

After researching all the factors if you have decided to try minoxidil, now it’s time to know how to apply or use it. Step 1 and step 2 are the preparation stage. These two steps are only applicable for the first time and other steps should be repeated each time you apply minoxidil to grow your beard.

Step 1: Choose minoxidil type and concentration

For beard growth topical minoxidil is better than the oral form of minoxidil. There are different concentrations of topical minoxidil. You can choose between 2%, 3%, 5%, and 10% minoxidil lotion and solutions.

The more concentrated solution may provide a better chance of beard growth but a greater risk of negative side effects.  So, choose between a 3% minoxidil foam or a 5% minoxidil solution for optimal results. 

If you have oily skin choose a topical foam as it won’t make your skin greasy. For dry skin, liquid solution can be a better option,

Step 2: Patch test

Apply a small amount of the solution to a small area of your skin and wait for 24 hours. If you don’t experience any irritation or side effects, you can proceed with the application.

Step 3: Clean your face

Use a face wash to remove any dirt or oil from your skin. If you have dry facial skin, wash your face with water only. Wipe your face with a towel to make it dry.

Step 4: Apply minoxidil

Apply the recommended amount (usually 1 ml twice a day) to your face where you want to grow a beard. Like any responsible bearded adult, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Be careful not to apply too much to avoid burning sensations.

Step 5: Massage

Gently massage the solution into your skin for about 1 minute. Don’t rub it too hard, as this may cause irritation.

Step 6: Allow to dry

Allow the solution to absorb and dry for 3-4 hours to penetrate your skin. If you have applied foam minoxidil it will be absorbed faster than the liquid solution. 

Step 7: Wash your face

Wash your face and apply moisturizer to the applied place. 

The Minoxidil Timeline

Setting realistic expectations

Consistency is crucial when using minoxidil for beard growth. Let’s get real for a moment: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your beard be. It usually takes about 3-6 months to see significant results.  

Remember, good things come to those who wait (and apply minoxidil diligently).  Apply the solution twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, for the best results.

Tracking your progress

Keep track of your beard’s transformation by taking pictures every month. Not only is it a great way to motivate yourself, but it’ll also make for a fantastic “before and after” post on your favorite beard-growing forum.

Maximizing Minoxidil’s Effectiveness

In addition to applying minoxidil, adopt a beard-friendly lifestyle. Get plenty of sleep, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet. These habits will not only benefit your beard but also your overall well-being.

Minoxidil might just be your secret weapon. So, start your minoxidil beard growth adventure and show your love for the beard.  


1. How long does it take to see results with minoxidil for beard growth?

Results may vary, but most individuals start to see improvements in their beard growth within 3-6 months of consistent use.

2. Do I need a prescription to use minoxidil for beard growth?

Minoxidil is available as an over-the-counter product, so you do not need a prescription. However, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.

3. Can I use minoxidil with other beard growth products?

Minoxidil can be used in conjunction with other beard growth products, such as supplements and oils. However, it’s essential to ensure that these products do not interfere with minoxidil’s absorption and effectiveness.

4. Will my beard growth revert if I stop using Minoxidil?

There is a possibility that your beard growth may revert or slow down once you stop using minoxidil. To maintain the results, it is recommended to continue using minoxidil as part of your routine.

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