Minoxidil Beard Growth: Real Before and After Photos

A large number of men are suffering from depression just because they can’t grow a thick and full beard as many men can. And we live in a society where everyone must face bullying due to any natural abnormality.

Good news for all those who want to escape from this bullying.

A medicine named Minoxidil can promote beard growth. It’s just now a matter of time, you also can rock a full beard and get that manly look you are longing for all these days.

Can’t believe your own ear? Scroll down to find the real photos of minoxidil beard before and after.


What Is Minoxidil

Minoxidil effect on beard

 Minoxidil was a wrong invention actually. A group of scientists invented Minoxidil accidentally. They were developing medicine for high-pressure namely Loniten. They noticed that Loniten has a side effect on the body that is it causes hair growth on the head and the body.
Since then Minoxidil has been used as the key ingredient in different hair growth products.
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Using Minoxidil to Promote Beard Growth

If your beard is a patchwork of hair growth, or if there have always been specific regions where hair has never grown, you may be able to fill in your beard more fully using Minoxidil, better known as Rogaine.

Before we proceed we should mention that using Minoxidil on your face to promote beard growth is not an FDA-approved treatment.

This doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or that it isn’t safe. It only means that the FDA has not done any testing and therefore can’t support the treatment.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that Minoxidil promotes beard growth in regions where hair previously didn’t grow.

However, this information is being presented for educational purposes only and doesn’t replace medical advice. If you’re thinking of giving it a try, talk to your doctor. Otherwise, use it at your own risk.


What You Need

Any brand of Minoxidil will do as long it’s a 5% solution. You can use either liquid or foam. Some people find the foam easier to apply to the vertical surface of their face, but either will work equally well for growing hair.

You’ll also need a mild facial cleanser and some sort of facial moisturizing cream.


How to Apply

Most people apply 1 ml. of the liquid or half a cap full of the foam once a day, but you can step up to twice a day at the same amounts if you feel you need to. It’s not generally recommended to exceed this dosage.

Before application, clean your face with a mild facial cleanser and then pat dry with a clean towel.


Liquid instructions: Fill the included dropper to the l ml. line. Now tilt your head back and begin placing drops all around the areas of your face where you’d like to promote hair growth. Continue until the dropper is empty or your face is well-wetted.

Using your fingers, smooth the liquid around until you get complete and even coverage. Then wash your fingers with soap and water.


Foam instructions: Run your fingers under cold water until they’re nice and chilly. The foam breaks down faster if your fingers are warm. Dry them with a clean towel and then spray half a cap full of foam onto the fingers of one hand.

Put down the can and share the foam to fingers on your other hand and begin massaging the foam into the areas where you want to promote hair growth. Then wash your fingers with soap and water.

Make sure to leave the minoxidil on for a minimum of four hours. Longer is fine but it needs to say on your face for at least four hours to achieve 75% absorption. Some people apply it before bed and leave it on all night.

There’s no real need to wash your face after the four hours unless you’re applying twice a day, but you can if you’d like to.

One of the most common side effects is dry skin. If you find your face getting dry and flaky apply a good facial moisturizer. But make sure you wait four hours at least before applying it.


Be Patient

You may begin to see small, vellus hairs coming in within a few weeks, but it generally takes three to six months before real, full hair growth is achieved.

After that, it’s recommended that you continue treatment once a day for at least a year, sometimes two. It’s important that your new hair enters its terminal, or mature phase, which takes time.

Once it’s mature you can stop treatment and your new hair will remain, regardless of whether you ever apply minoxidil again.


The Different Types Of Minoxidil

beard treatment with minoxidil

Minoxidil can be found in concentrated solution or in lotion form. In the case of the concentrated solution, the concentration index of the solution needs to be considered which usually varies between 2% and 10%.

The 5% value is mostly used for the treatment of men and the solution with values 2%-3% is usually used in women.

Lotions, that have minoxidil sulfate in their composition, are commercialized by various brands.


Does Minoxidil Really Work?

Of course, it does. Actually! This is the only true medicine that works.

Minoxidil works on any part of the body. It slowly stimulates hair growth wherever there are hair follicles. It promotes hair growth by causing the hormones to be delivered in a high amount to the hair follicles.

It stimulates the dead hair deposits and brings them back to life. Minoxidil comes into effect after regular use for about 6 months at least.


How Is Minoxidil Helpful?

minoxidil for beard

As Minoxidil helps in widening the blood vessels, it has functioned on the capillary follicles, increasing their size and stimulating them.

While using minoxidil, the hair growth cycle becomes longer and hair follicles gain more volume. So, the hair grows larger.

Some people noticed significant hair loss after using minoxidil. If you are facing the same problem, don’t panic as it’s a common effect.

There may be some hair that is already in the final phase. The experts say the hair loss occurs, as minoxidil accelerates the fall of this hair.


Who Are Not Allowed To Use?

It is recommended to consult with specialists before using minoxidil, especially for those who have sensitive skin.

Take the sensitivity test of the lotion to be guaranteed that it will not harm your skin. This product should be avoided by pregnant women, breastfeeding women and men who have erectile dysfunction.


Before & After photos

Let’s get inspired by real-life examples from Minoxidil users. Here are 5 before and after comparisons of the Minoxidil treatment.

The result depends on the time span of the treatment. The result differs in terms of the length of the treatment.


After 45 Days

using minoxidil Before and After photos

Hair starts to grow effectively after 45 days.


After 3 Months

After 3 months, you’ll be exposed to a completely natural-looking beard. No one will distinguish between a natural beard and a beard that grew because of Minoxidil.


After 6 Months

minoxidil beard after 6 month

No one will believe that it’s you wearing a full beard after 6 months from the start of the treatment. There will be no difference between a full-bearded man and you. Just follow the treatment rightly.

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How Minoxidil Works


Though Minoxidil was introduced to promote the hair growth of the head in the first place, now it has proven successful in growing beards too.

In both cases, Minoxidil works the same way. It actually increases blood circulation on the root of the hair follicles. The blood flow provides the follicles with enough energy to get stimulated and that stops the miniaturization of the follicles.

Some hair stops growing because they go into a resting mood.

Minoxidil turns this resting phase into the hair growth phase. Thus, the hair starts to regrowth to a great extent. Regular application of Minoxidil for 6 months at a stretch can promote hair growth permanently. 

Rogaine for Beard Growth: Good or Bad Idea?


How To Start The Treatment?

You can start the treatment after you get a recommendation from the specialists.  As said earlier, the solution or lotion with 5% concentration value is used for men.

Apply the product two or three times a day (recommended by the dermatologist) only in the region you want the hair to grow and avoid applying on the whole face.

After 3 weeks, the result begins to appear and by applying properly, you can see the final result in  2-3 months. It is recommended for continuous treatment for the faster growth of the hair. Generally, younger people get the result quickly.


How to Use Minoxidil

Minoxidil is found in many forms namely such as liquid, spray, and foam. Liquid minoxidil is the most convenient and available. So, we are gonna tell you how to use liquid Minoxidil. 

  • Prepare your face. This means making your face super clean so that there remains nothing without the Minoxidil on your face.
  • Make sure you are taking 1ml Minoxidil with a dropper.
  • Start applying the liquid onto your face right on the spot where you want the beard to grow. Start with little drops of the liquid Minoxidil.
  • Wash your hands very well with sanitizer. Be careful so that the solution doesn’t get into contact with any place of the body where hair is unexpected. 
  • Don’t wash it off immediately, keep it on as long as possible.


Side Effects of Minoxidil

Minoxidil is safe until you are using the right doses. Overuse of anything is very bad, there could be many side effects caused by Minoxidil if overdosed. One may face the side effects after one month from the beginning of the treatment. If you notice any of the following side effects, stop using Minoxidil and consult a doctor immediately. The side effects are as follows.

  • Rapid Heartbeat or Chest Pain
  • Fainting or Dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Itchy and Dry Skin
  • Headaches
  • Blurred Vision
  • Sudden Weight Gain
  • Swelling of Organs
  • Allergy or Inflammation


Side effects of using the solution:

  1. It may cause the Palpitations problem and a heart rate increase.
  2. The patient may feel weakness and Chest pain.
  3. Patients may feel dizzy, blur or vomiting due to the hypersensitivity to Minoxidil.
  4. The hair may become dry and hard.
  5. Hands or feet may sweat.


Side effects of using lotion:

  1. In the first two weeks, you may notice hair loss.
  2. The scalp may become rough and flaky.
  3. Another problem is the unwanted growth of hair in other parts of the body.
  4. The hair becomes oily because the secretion of sebum is increased by the sebaceous glands.
  5. Patient can feel a headache and itching problems.

Tips to Handle A Patchy & Scraggly Beard


Where To Find?

You can easily find Minoxidil in almost all the pharmacies in both solution form and liquid form. But you need the doctor’s prescription to buy it.

Some minoxidil brands:

Rogaine: It is a topical spray or refills solution. Rogaine 2% is used for women and Rogaine 5% is used for men.

Loniten: It is the minoxidil 10% version and found in the tablet.

Aloxidil is also a well-known minoxidil brand.


How Much Does Minoxidil Cost?

Based on the brand, size and purchase place, product price varies from $30 to $140. Manipulated minoxidil does not exceed $60. It is recommended to consult a doctor to find the best option for your need.

Finally, let’s see the use process of Minoxidil in beards to make them grow faster.

You already know that Minoxidil really works to a great extent. Keep your eyes on the side effects. If you notice any side effects, stop the application right away and consult a doctor. And, the main thing to get an effective result is patience. If you are patient enough, you’ll get a result sooner or later.

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