35 Beard Styles Perfect for Teenage Guys
Teen beard styles are trending among teenagers in the desire to look stronger, bigger, and manly than their age.
For some teenagers, a beard emerges like a surprise (thick, even and dense), and for some; it appears like a disappointment (thin, patchy and incomplete) due to genetics.
In both discussed cases, both groups take it equally seriously when we talk about beard styling part.
Yes, whether you have a thin beard or a thick beard, you can style it into amazing beard styles to add more effectiveness to your overall look. If you are a teenager and struggling with your beard-related issues, you are surely blessed to be here.
Kindly have a look at the below facts and detailed discussion related to teen beard and an epic collection of 35 most entrancing beard styles for teenagers that are worth a try.
Which Beard Styles Should You Pick as a Teenager

You can not specify the beard styles just because of one factor i.e. age. Whether you are a teenager, a young guy, a mature man, or an aged man over 50-60 year old age, you can choose any beard style that fits your face shape and physique or you can choose any beard style which can make you feel comfortable rather than odd.
If you still want to know the specific teen beard style then our suggestion is to choose something manlier such as a full beard, short beard, stubble, goatee, etc. For more versatile ideas, kindly keep reading till you get to see the beard list for teenagers.
How to Grow a Beard Faster In Teenage
Here are some tips for faster beard growth in teenage:
1. Face Washing
Wash your face daily. In addition to your genetics, healthy and clean skin will also give you a healthy and thick beard.
2. Exfoliation
Do exfoliate your skin two times a week to remove the dead skin cells from your face. It will clean the skin pores and help in faster beard growth.
3. Take Protein
Include a protein-rich diet in your daily meal. Take vitamin-enriched supplements according to the doctor’s prescription. Increase your water intake as well.
4. Apply Minoxidil
1-2 ml or a few drops of minoxidil can boost the androgen level in the roots of facial hair. Apply it regularly on your beard in a circular motion.
5. Derma Rollers
it’s a bit painful method but gives good results. Use a derma roller with a needle size of 0.25 to 0.5 mm, it will promote collagen and blood flow.
6. Exercise
Blood circulation is a must for facial hair growth. Exercise plays a major role in increasing the male hormone and improving blood circulation which ultimately helps in the fast growth of the teen beard.
7. Patience
If you cannot grow a full beard at teenager, do not get desperate just give your beard some time, maybe of some months or even years. Do not shave your beard at all; let it be as it wants to be. Once you achieve your target, you can make as many variations as you want.
Stages of Facial Hair Growth in Puberty
There are commonly four stages of facial hair growth observed in puberty. It may vary according to a guy’s heredity, genetics, and hormonal level.
The hair on Upper lips Corner: Facial hair first, appears at the corners of the upper lips area at the age of 11 to 15.
The hair on Entire Upper lips: At the age of 16 to 17, facial hair covers the entire upper lips zone to make a thick, visible mustache.
The hair on Cheeks and Lower Lips: At the age of 16 to 18, facial hair starts to appear on the cheeks and under the lower lip making a natural soul patch.
Full Beard: It is the final stage of facial hair growth in puberty that appears at the age of 17 to 21 according to the hormonal level of guys.
Facial hair covers the cheeks, chin and sideburns area entirely to make the full beard. Mustache connects with the chin hair at this stage.
How to Tell If You Can Grow a Full Beard
You can get the answer to this particular question only and only by observing your family traits as growing a beard even its thickness all depends on your heredity traits.
If your father can grow a full beard then, definitely you are also able to grow a full beard. It’s all because of the dominant genes or inheritance of masculine features from your father.
Another way to know if you can grow a full beard is that; if you can grow an even beard or stubble, it will eventually turn into a full beard when you allow growing it.
Despite these two ways, you still have to go through a scraggly stage of growing a beard, after this stage if you notice a thickness in your beard then; it becomes visually clear that you can certainly grow a full, thick beard.
15 Years Old but No Beard – What to Do
The first and foremost step to do is Patience. It is common to have no beard at the age of 15. Some teenagers have the ability to grow a beard at this age and it is just because of the excessive level of DHT.
So, there is nothing to worry about the beard at this level. Have patience, do not get stressed, improve your lifestyle and skincare routine, follow the above-given tips for faster teen beard growth, and see the magic.
Facts About the Teenage Beard
If you are a teenager, here are some facts on teen beard you should know.
- It is a fun fact that the teen beard is just like growing a beard at an older age as at both stages of life, guys do not like to shave their beard.
- At teenage you can embrace your beard into its natural shape, length or form without being feeling too much awkward, even the naturally thin or patchy beard does not look bad on teenagers.
- It is sad to know the fact that teenage girls do not find teenage boys more attractive with a beard, but do not get disappointed as your well-groomed and polished beard will surely give you much more attention later when you hit the adult stage of life.
- Some teenagers fear to grow a beard and its normal as well as natural. This beard fear is described as “Pogonophobia”. It does not mean that the people suffering from this condition do not like a beard. Yes, they do love the beard, but not on them. This condition may happen to anyone.
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Cool Beard Styles for Teenagers
Have a look below at these dashing beard styles which are perfect for all the teenage guys:
1. Light Mustache with Overgrown Beard
As a teenager, your beard can look a little messy when it’s overgrown. You can embrace that messy look and pair it with a thin mustache, so you don’t look too old.
2. Patchy Balbo Beard and Mustache
A patchy beard is a staple of that teenage look, so grow out that patchy beard but shave off the rest of your beard from the cheeks and let the mustache grow a little thicker.
3. Clean Shave with Soul Patch
One of the best, low-maintenance styles you can go for is the single soul patch and a clean shave. Since your skin is still sensitive, you want to use a trimmer to cut down that beard.
4. Chin Straps with Patchy Beard on Cheeks
If you still want to grow a beard but it’s too patchy on the cheeks, you can stick to chinstraps that lead to a goatee. Finally, trim down the mustache for a slightly cleaner look.
5. Goatee with Clean Shave
Another beard style you can experiment with is the goatee and long sideburns, which can go great for round and square faces. Even if your mustache can’t grow out to the chin yet, pulling off a small van dyke can still have you looking your best.
6. Light Stubble with Soul Patch and Chin Stripe
A soul patch leading into a chin stripe is a popular beard style you can try out if your beard is still a little inconsistent. The less facial hair means it isn’t too distracting, and you can pair it with light stubble too.
7. Low Box Beard with Overgrown Mustache
If you are one of those kids who grew out their beard a little early, you can get creative with how you style your beard. Just trim down the cheek and neckline, and let that mustache grow out.
8. Trimmed Low Box Beard
Very few people can grow out a red beard, and if you managed to grow out yours early, then you can trim it into a low box style and keep the stubble a little light so that you don’t look too old.
9. Thin Mustache with Goatee
A simple, van dyke style beard is always a great choice when growing a patchy beard. Keep the mustache thin, and let that goatee grow out with a soul patch.
10. Thin Hair Beard with Wavy Locks
You can still pull off a beard with thinner hair, but make sure you keep it short so that it doesn’t distract from your hair, and the thickness of the mustache is really up to you.
11. Bold Patchy Beard
It is quite an unkempt look. Hair covers the cheeks, chin and neck area in the form of patches. If you are at this stage of teen beard growth, let keep it growing till the patches become filled up.
12. Goatee
What can be more decent teen beard style than a goatee! It looks well groomed and professional beard style for teenagers. Shave the cheeks entirely to achieve a goatee shape. If you have patchy hair, it is the best method to hide your weakness in a marvelous way.
13. Goatee without Mustache
It will not only give you mature, but cool and stylish teen look also. Clean shave the cheeks, mustache and the facial hair under the lower lips area. Keep the beard at the chin only in the well-trimmed form.
14. Short Beard
To achieve this look, you do not have to spend time in regular shaving and styling. Short beard with a comb-over hairstyle will give teenagers an elegant look. The jawline and neckline area looks denser than the cheeks. Trim these areas often to maintain the length. With regular care and hard work, you can get a full teen beard.
15. Light but Mannish
It is a trimmed circle beard with clean-shaven cheeks. It is another impressive teenager beard style but requires daily maintenance to keep a circle shape. Despite its thin texture, it gives prominence to teenagers.
16. Reedy Beard
It is extremely thin in appearance but has sharp fine details. It is a combination of a goatee, soul patch and pencil mustache while the cheeks area looks entirely and neatly clean shaven.
17. Extended Goatee
Want something more unique, mannish and trendy? Extended teen goatee will fulfill these three parameters. It is like short beard disconnected with the sideburns and extended to half of the jawline on both sides. Grow a mustache for more impact.
18. Chin Beard
It consists of trimmed and slightly visible mustache and facial hair covering the under chin and jawline area. There is no facial hair on cheeks zone. It will give dominance and beauty to your strong jawline.
19. Anchor Beard
It is a bit messy beard look but that’s how most of the teenagers want to carry themselves. Give your messy look an impressive touch by styling your beard into anchor beard form along with unshaved or scruffy cheeks. Yes, messy medium length hairstyle will surely compliment the whole look.
20. 5 O’ Clock Shadow
If you are one of those lucky teenagers who can grow even beard, you should try this particular beard style that will bring a handsome hunk look into you. Nothing can beat your charisma at such a young age.
21. Vibrant Look
If you are looking for something funkier and vibrant that will elevate your naturally growing teen beard, try out a crew cut hairstyle with golden-yellowish blonde. That’s it, nothing to do with your natural beard.
22. Scruffy Teen Beard
It does not need extra maintenance. Let your beard grow freely. It’s for those teenagers who want to do something adventures by doing delicate ear piercing, carrying silver blonde hairstyle, and in addition to all the styling attire, a scruffy beard with a curve cut cheeks line and untrimmed neck hair is icing on the cake.
23. Short & Stubble
It is considered as one of the most sensational beard looks. It is best for those teenagers who have a thin beard. It also includes a prominent soul patch under the lower lip. If you are a guy with a long forehead, you must choose bang hairstyle to cover the forehead and to look more modish.
24. Afro Teen Beard Style
It is best and most-suitable beard look for afro teenagers. Do not get worried about the cheeks area, shave it entirely, and just focus on your chin beard or goatee. A slightly visible pencil mustache can add more style in the whole look of the teenage boy.
25. Light Patchy Stubble
If you have a strong passion for a beard, patches should not bother you anymore. Once you become determined about your beard, you eventually learn to carry you natural beard like a pro. Wear a slick-back hairstyle with patchy stubble to look graceful and to add charm to your beard.
26. Nick Jonas Medium Stubble
His heart face shape makes his medium stubble looks more promising on him. Because of his young features, he has chosen the beard style wisely as thick chin hair gives prominence to his narrow chin. Mustache looks connected with the chin hair making circle beard. Trim the facial hair under the lower lip is such way it becomes disconnect with chin hair turning into neat and distinctive soul patch.
27. Messy Bearded Look
Its unkempt and messy appearance makes the best combo with a messy afro hairstyle. It does not need extra and regular maintenance. Keep the cheeks line and neckline hair untrimmed that’s what the teenagers actually do. If you want casual boy look, adapt this look to rock.
28. Fresh and Elegant Short Beard
It is one of the best and most sophisticated teen beard looks that reveals the sober and elegant nature of teenagers. It is like a short beard that is even and without patches. Mustache looks disconnected with the beard. Neck hair looks untrimmed. It resembles a bit to chin strap goatee which combines with soul patch and mustache to make the whole statement.
29. Natural Teen Beard and Mustache
This particular beard style is flawlessly cool. Cheeks look entirely clean-shaven with strong, thick jawline and chin area. Keep the mustache thick, but evenly trimmed. Shape the soul patch into straight thick line. Taylor Lautner has very sharp and attractive jawline which he has complimented further with this fascinating beard.
30. Slightly Visible
Side part medium length hairstyle along with mustache, soul patch and chin beard gives an elegant appearance to teenagers. It is extremely thin and slightly visible, but you can make it effective by choosing the right hairstyle and outfit for yourself.
31. Full Ginger Beard
If you have it in your genes then, why should not get benefited from it by growing your ginger beard to get an older appearance than your actual age. Focus on grooming your beard and hairstyle, keep the mustache as it is. Facial hair around the jawline and on chin looks extraordinary thicker, it is perfect for those teenagers who have narrow chin area. There is a huge facial hair gap between the chin and lower lip area. Mustache looks shorter and trimmed as compared to beard.
32. Chin to Jawline
Here is another chin strap beard look with a slight change for teenagers. Mustache resembles handlebar mustache, but it is relatively shorter than it. Chin area looks empty, but there is a thick facial hair strip starting from the sideburns and blend under the chin hair. You can keep the soul patch or trim it completely, but our vote is the beard along with soul patch.
33. Beard and Quiff
This teen beard style includes anchor beard, mustache and jawline hair. Anchor beard looks trimmed and shorter than the jawline hair. Keep the cheeks unkempt. Quiff hairstyle will go well with this bearded look.
34. Thick and Dense
It is one the most rugged beard look among all the beard styles for teenagers. It surely needs regular maintenance. It is a two in one style. Blonde the mustache and facial hair around the mouth to make a prominent circle beard along with the full, thick beard.
35. Line up Beard
It is a whole natural statement that includes mutton chops, mustache, soul patch, and chin beard. Keep it well-groomed and well-kept to give fine details to whole beard look.
To make a decision for the beard is a matter of choice and to grow it in the most possible charming and professional way is a matter of beard emotion and passion. We tried to explain every single bit of information related to teen beard and we hope you get an inspirational kick from the above discussion and beard styling ideas.
If you are still looking for further beard styling inspiration, you can check out the most handsome beard model list for full personality grooming purpose.