Why Is My Mustache Growing Slower Than the Beard?
When a man decides to grow a mustache and beard, he envisions the growth to be thick, healthy, and, well, manly. Imagine his surprise when his mustache is growing slower than the beard! Well, that may not look very natural. There are reasons as to why this happens and ways to promote a fuller-looking mustache.

Why My Mustache is Growing Slower Than the Beard?
If you’re wondering why your mustache grows slower than your beard, know that you are not alone. Many men encounter this challenge as they try to grow their facial hair.
Some men are unable to grow a mustache. Even growing facial hair is dependent on diet, ethnicity, environment, and genetics. There is a strong link between what we eat and growing facial hair. If our nutrition is inadequate, it reflects in our hair growth rate and health, including facial hair.
There is a multitude of foods that promote good facial hair. The link to these foods and facial hair growth all boils down to promoting high levels of testosterone and DHT in the body. Both are responsible not only for follicular growth but for the overall appearance of facial hair as well.
You should note that it is natural for a mustache to grow slower than a beard. Beard growth is just faster. However, this will not prevent you from growing a good mustache. Chances are, if you can grow one, you will be able to grow the other.
If a Mustache Grows Slower, How do I Counter the Effects?
Most experts say to counter the effects of a mustache growing slower than a beard, start with the beard. Early mustache phases tend to be awkward for most men. For the first few weeks, focus on beard hair growth while the mustache hairs begin to come in.
Once the hair on the upper lip is noticeable, you can either trim the beard so it’s uniform or shaves it off completely. Then you can focus on growing the mustache.
Another way of doing this is to shave off the beard area and grow the mustache. Once it reaches a certain level, then grow in the beard.
Experts recommend that, in this phase, you experiment with different styles to see what suits your facial type the best. You may have to be patient as the beard hair may not be growing at your desired pace. Facial hair growth does take some time. Always keep what you have well-maintained and groomed to help it come in better.
When the mustache meets the side beard, you can create and hone in on your style, which can happen by trimming stray whiskers and keeping an equal length. The goal should not be to have your mustache be the longest but an even size to provide the best appearance and, eventually, a thicker mustache.
The next step is simply maintaining it. Facial hair should be washed and conditioned 2-3 times a week. Each day it should be combed and trimmed to keep it in the best possible condition.
Nutrition is important, as noted above. Your diet should be high in several nutrients, including biotin, which will stimulate testosterone production. Testosterone levels are very important in producing facial hair and can vary with age.
The mustache growing slower than a beard is a very common occurrence and is natural. There are ways to get around it, but it does require a great deal of patience to get to that end goal.
In growing facial hair, you need to pay attention to diet and grooming the most to help in developing the facial hair that you desire. To neglect these important areas may mean that your mustache may not be as nice as you want. Thankfully, any deficiencies are easily correctable.
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