54 Most Famous Bearded Men In The History

From ancient times till now, some famous people used to have and are having a beard. It’s not like they are famous for their beards. They are famous and along with them their beards also have a firm place in history.

There are hundreds of famous bearded men in history. Not all of them are notable. These men became so popular that common people started to follow their style. Even now, some of the old beard styles from history are coming back into vogue.


The Most Famous Bearded Men Ever

Men are known for their actions. History only remembers those who are worthy of remembrance. The history of the world will never forget some people and, fortunately, a few of them have a beard too.

We should remember them for their deeds. Since we are writing about beards, we will remember them for the beards too. Let’s check who are the toppers on our list.

#1. Alfred von Tirpitz

Famous Bearded Man Alfred von Tirpitz


#2. Horace Greeley

Famous Bearded Man Horace Greeley


#3. Peter Cooper

Famous Bearded Man Peter Cooper


#4. John Knox

Famous Bearded Man John Knox


#5. Frederick Douglas

Frederick Douglas


#6. Otto the Great

Otto the Great


#7. George V

George V


#8. Franz Joseph I

Famous Bearded Man Franz Joseph I


#9. Ambrose Everett Burnside

Famous Bearded Man Ambrose Everett Burnside


#10. Ernest Hemingway

Famous Bearded Man Ernest Hemingway


#11. Claude Debussy

Claude Debussy


#12. Mark Twain

Mark Twain


#13. Nikola Pasic

Famous Bearded Man Nikola Pasic