11 Extraordinary Duck Dynasty Photos Without Beard
Duck Dynasty has been one of the most popular shows on A & E for the past few years. This quirky family of duck hunters is well known for sporting some of the bushiest beards in show business. In fact, these guys have been credited with being partly responsible for the bushy beard revival. If you like what you see, why not try copying some of their styles?
Growing Big Beards
Growing a beard worthy of the Duck Dynasty could take you years. You will need to persevere with it for a long time if you want to get a beard that is over 10 cm long. Be prepared for some itchy phases as your beard is growing longer, and make sure that you keep grooming it so that you do not end up with any large knots.
If you want a little bit of inspiration to help you to keep growing your beard, check out this gallery of photos of the Duck Dynasty stars before they grew their beards.
1: Al Robertson

Al Robertston arguably has one of the tamest bushy beards in Duck Dynasty. However, it’s still pretty thick with full-coverage. By comparison, the younger and clean-shaven Al is almost unrecognizable!