5 Beard Problems Black Men Really Face (And The Solutions)

Want to grow a fantastic beard that’ll suit African American guys? Grow and maintain your perfect beard with expert advice, product tips, maintenance information, and inspiration from us.

In the world of looks not, many things are certain. After all, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Well-groomed black men with beards are admired across the board. Pictures of celebrities like David Byron and Idris Elba can make it look easy.

As a black man trying to grow a stylish beard, you will probably meet a few people who believe that black men cannot grow a beard.

Like all things, growing a beard needs dedication. Achieving your desired level of growth will be a journey. Below, we will address some common questions black men working on their facial hair ask.

What Problems Do Black Men Face During Beard Growth?

As a black man growing a beard, genetics might seem to be working against you. Your hair might develop all sorts of complications. In this essay, we will go through the most prevalent ones.

1. Beard Patches

black men's patchy beard

One of the most prevalent black guy beard issues is patchy beards, where you have a lot of facial hair in certain regions but not so much in others. Don’t confuse it with peach fuzz. Patchy beards are genetically inherited in most situations. Therefore, it is not your fault if you have one.

Another difficulty is that a bad diet might result in uneven beards. The type of diet you eat affects a lot of your body’s processes. A lack of fluid intake might also contribute to a patchy beard. You can fix a patchy beard at home too.

2. Ingrown Facial Hair

Hairs that haven’t made it out of the hair follicle are known as ingrown hairs. Hair grows from a pit in the skin called a hair follicle. The feeling of bumps on your face can be a nightmare, especially if you are prone to getting them.

Ingrown hairs are common to people who shave with multiple razors. When curly hair is shaved close, it becomes sharp and pricks, penetrating the inside of the hair follicle or the skin next to it. Ingrown hairs cause an inflammatory response, which results in pimples.

You can mitigate this by using quality razors and shaving creams. Avoid close shaves too.

3. Itchiness

Black men's Itchy beard

Beard irritation can be subtle, and you may not even notice it. Other times, it can drive you to the brink.

Beards have thicker hair cuticles than top-of-the-head hair. Irritation and inflammation can occur when the harder bristles break through the skin for the first time.

If you have a fully developed beard and it isn’t very pleasant, it could be due to dry skin under the beard. Facial hair draws moisture from the skin’s surface and deposits it on the hairs, where it quickly evaporates. Lack of moisture can make the skin dry and flaky, as well as create beard dandruff.

Maintaining proper hygiene, applying beard oil, and using a beard brush or comb to remove anything caught between your hairs can help you avoid itchy skin.

4. Dry Skin Under The Beard

Being the proud owner of a fully-fledged beard is satisfying. Every chance to show it off has to be utilized. However, your skin is always dry, and it bothers me when you battle dandruff.

Your beard is exhibiting dryness due to the following reasons

  • Poor soap products
  • Hot showers
  • Weather
  • Genetics

If you’re having trouble with this, it’s a simple fix. It would help if you used a facial scrub twice a week to get rid of your beard problem. Please do not use the facial scrub daily because it can aggravate the problem.

A facial scrub will aid in the removal of dead cells, skin flakes, and ingrown hairs, all of which contribute to the problem. It would be best if you also used a non-greasy moisturizer to help with this problem.

5. Picking Wrong Beard Products

icking Wrong Beard Products for Black Men

The misconception that black men can’t grow a healthy full beard is driven by countless decades of black men using the wrong beard products. Using the wrong products is primarily the fault of hair product companies. No company focused on this demographic in the past.

Your beards can only be as good as the effort you make to make them attractive. Here are the top black men’s beard care products available right now.

  • Beard shampoo
  • Beard oils
  • Beard trimmer
  • Shea moisture beard kit
  • Beard brush

How to Fix a Patchy Beard in Black Men?

The first solution is to determine what is causing the patchiness. To fix the problem of patchy beards, you can adopt a variety of approaches.

You could, for example, take beard growth vitamins like Beard Growth Multivitamin. This beard supplement contains nutrients and proteins that are essential for reviving dormant beard follicles.

You can also use biotin to make your hair stronger. Biotin helps to strengthen the roots of your hair, as well as prevent split ends and brittleness. It can also assist in reactivating inactive follicles that have stopped transitioning into growth mode.

How Can a Black Man Straighten His Beard?

How to Straighten Beard for Black Men

Straightening your beard will require you to use a combination of products and tools. They include using a relaxer, brushing your beard, trimming, and using a beard straightener.

Avoid colors, artificial scents, and lanolin-containing products since these can cause irritation, dryness, and clogged pores.

How to Soften Black Men’s Beards?

A well-kept beard is moisturized, soft, and manageable. To achieve a soft beard requires a daily schedule that can take a few minutes to as long as you can. Understand your skin type, then choose an appropriate beard kit.

Wash your beard every day using a dedicated bar soap or beard shampoo, then soften it using beard oil immediately after washing. After that, brush this product through your beard.


Black man beard problems are mainly a result of genetics or lifestyle choices. Beard problems are solved with specific remedies. For genetic problems, the correct use of supplements and vitamins can quickly solve this problem.

A change in lifestyle, such as altering your food and drinking more water, can help you develop a healthy beard. Problems with beards, such as itching, can be resolved by improving your grooming techniques.

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