Beard Styles Vs. Trustworthiness: Is Your Beard Trustworthy?

It may sound bizarre to most of the people that one may be assumed trustworthy just because of the beards he is wearing. The trustworthiness of a beard depends on the different type of beards.

On the scale of good and bad, yes and no, there is a huge space between the two par point. Most of us fall in that area. Well! On the scale of trustworthiness and unsavoriness of the beards, there are a lot more to explore.


How Trustworthy Is a Beard?

A beard can cover almost 60% of our face. That implies the importance of facial hair in our day to day life. We have to depend on others at some point in our life. A beard can help you in this regard.

One can easily figure out whether a person is trustworthy or not just by looking at his beard. Well! I know it sounds illogical or childish but you know what? This is the output of our psychological reaction to the appearance of an individual.


The Trustworthy Beards

trustworthy beardstyle

  • Full Beard, The Philosopher, Goatee+Mustache are the most trustworthy beard. If one carries a full beard style, people find him more faithful than a clean shaved man. We automatically trust people having these sort of beards.
  • Full Mustache, Cop Mustache, Chin Strap are the beard styles we trust less than the above-mentioned three beards.
  • Sideburns and Friendly Chops will not give any impression relying on the beard styles.  These two are neutral.


The Unsavory Beards

trustworthiness of beards


Beard Style vs. Trustworthiness

There is no actual clash or relation between beard styles and trustworthiness. It’s all about on what grounds one perceive the personality of a person. A wise quote goes that “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” Having said all that, we want to address another great thing about the appearance of a man.

The first impression lasts long. When you have no enough time to judge a person by his actions, there comes the need of judging him by his appearance. On that note, you may find the beard styles as a good way to measure the trustworthiness as per this scale we have just provided.

Men Must Grow Beards: Here’s Why

Don’t judge a book by its cover. But, what will you do when you have to pick a book and there is no time for reading? Exactly! You will be influenced by the cover. That’s how it works in case of the trustworthiness of a beard. Hope, you will be able to choose the right person who will never break your trust.

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