The Lumberjack Beard: A Quick Guide With Styling Ideas

Lumberjack beards are trending in the beard world for a while because of the masculine look it brings to any look. Though Lumberjacks are mainly workers who contribute to the process of forest products, they are popular for something else to the mass people. Lumberjacks have a distinct style of beard, mustache, and outfit. If you want to style a rugged lumberjack beard, go for it and you won’t regret it.

Quick Facts

  • The Lumberjack beard is known for its fullness and thickness, usually shaped square or rectangular.
  • It can be paired with a mustache, but also looks good solo.
  • This beard type screams rugged masculinity and toughness, making it a popular choice for many men.
  • Its versatility makes it adaptable to both formal and casual settings, appealing to men from various walks of life.
  • Growing a Lumberjack beard takes patience. Remember, good things take time.
  • Regular application of beard oil or balm will keep your beard healthy and moisturized.
  • Regular trims keep the beard looking neat and tidy.
  • Feel free to experiment and tailor the beard style to suit your personal flair.

What is Lumberjack Beard?

lumberjack beard style

If you know what is lumberjack style, the first things that will come to your mind is an ax and a flannel shirt. But, one can surely pull off a lumberjack beard without the help of any other things.

A long and thick beard is all he must have to get the lumberjack beard style. Just have patience while growing and trimming the beard. This style will showcase the ability of someone to grow a manly beard.

Usually, the beard covers the face from the cheekbones to the neckline. Anything in between these margins should be filled with hair.

And, sometimes the hipsters also have a lumberjack beard keeping the styling of the mustache in mind. Once you have a long and thick beard, go to the next step of achieving the lumberjack beard.

History of the lumberjack beard

back in the day, lumberjacks—hardworking guys who spent their days chopping trees in the North American wilderness—needed some serious facial protection from the elements. We’re talking freezing winters, scorching summers, and biting winds. So what did they do? They grew beards. It was like their own built-in, all-natural face shield!

The lumberjack beard, characterized by its full, thick, and often lengthy growth, became a symbol of rugged masculinity and resilience, perfectly capturing the essence of the tough outdoorsmen who wore them.

Now, fast forward to the 21st century. The lumberjack beard, much like flannel shirts and raw denim, has made its way from the wild outdoors into urban fashion. Partly driven by the hipster culture, and partly by a renewed interest in old-school masculinity, the lumberjack beard has become a style statement.

From Hollywood actors to craft beer brewers, many have embraced the lumberjack look.

However, this isn’t just about looking rugged and cool (though it certainly helps!). The lumberjack beard has often been associated with a certain attitude—a love for nature, a hands-on approach to life, and a nod to the old-school ideals of strength and self-reliance.

There you have it! The lumberjack beard’s journey from the forests to the city streets.

How to Grow & Style A Lumberjack Beard

guy with with lumberjack beard

Lumberjack beard is actually manliness at its best. You will never go unnoticed if you have this awesome beard. This beard styling is very easy because there is no need of expert hands to trim the beard. The cheek line and the neckline are the only concern while trimming the beard. Learn how to do it correctly from below.

1. The Preparation Period: Let the beard grow for one month at a stretch. Don’t trim it at all.

2. Upper Trimming: Trim the hair of cheekbones to make a clean line starting from the sideburns and ending in the outside of the mustache. Trim very carefully to blend the shorter beard into the long beard. 

3. Let the Beard Grow: Let the beard grow underneath the cheekbones and around the lips. It’s better if anything doesn’t remain bare.

4. The Neckline: Make sure to shave anything that is below the neckline. Because you are having a long beard but the beard is not unkempt.

Here’s a video showing this Lumberjack beard trend.

lumberjack beards: Common Issues & How to fix them

Growing and maintaining a lumberjack beard isn’t without its challenges. Here are some common issues you may encounter and some advice on how to address them:

Patchy Beard: Not everyone can grow a thick, even beard. If your beard is patchy, the best solution is to give it time. As your beard grows longer, the patches can become less noticeable. Regular grooming and the use of beard oil can also help improve the appearance of your beard over time.

Beard Itch: This is a common problem, especially in the early stages of beard growth. Regularly washing your beard with a mild beard shampoo and using a beard oil or balm can help soothe and moisturize the skin underneath, reducing the itchiness.

Dry, Brittle Hair: Beards can get dry and brittle, especially in harsh weather conditions. To keep your beard healthy and hydrated, apply beard oil or balm daily. These products are designed to moisturize the hair and the skin underneath.

Unruly Hair: Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your beard may not behave. This is where a beard balm can come in handy. It not only moisturizes the beard but also provides a slight hold to help style your beard.

Beard Dandruff: Also known as ‘beardruff’, this can be caused by dry skin or a fungal infection. Regularly exfoliate the skin under your beard and keep it moisturized with beard oil or balm. If the problem persists, consider using a beard shampoo designed to combat dandruff.

Incorrect Neckline: A common mistake is shaping the neckline too high or too low, which can disrupt the balance of your face. The neckline should ideally be where your neck meets your jawline. If you’re unsure, it might be worth getting your neckline professionally done the first time.

5 Celebrities With Lumberjack Beard Style

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth with lumberjack beard

The Australian actor, best known for his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, often sports a rugged lumberjack beard that perfectly complements his chiseled features.

Jason Momoa

Jason Momoa with lumberjack beard

Known for his roles in “Game of Thrones” and “Aquaman,” Momoa’s full and thick lumberjack beard is part of his signature style, contributing to his tough, rugged image.

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy with lumberjack beard

Hardy is known for frequently changing his look for different roles, but when he does sport a beard, it often has that classic lumberjack vibe – full, dense, and unmissable.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman with lumberjack beard

Jackman, appropriately sharing a name with the lumberjack style, has been seen sporting a full, bushy beard on numerous occasions, further enhancing his strong, masculine persona.

Zach Galifianakis

Zach Galifianakis with lumberjack beard

Known for his sense of humor and good looks, Galifianakis occasionally grows out his beard into a lumberjack style. It’s typically well-groomed, adding a touch of ruggedness to his clean-cut image.

This beard style requires a good deal of time and patience. The beard should be thick and long to get the best impact of Lumberjack style. If anyone’s natural hair growth is not good enough, he can try supplements and minoxidil to overcome this shortcoming. All the best for your lumberjack beard style.

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