How to Trim A Long Beard Like A PRO: 10 Tips to Maintain

If you are planning to have a long beard, think again. A beard demands a good deal of patience and attention to grow long. And one must know how to shape and trim a long beard if he doesn’t want his beard to be thought unkempt. It’s not a big deal to have a beard, making it masculine and trendy is the most important thing. Do you need guidelines from the pros? That’s what we are providing you with.


How to Trim A Long Beard

One thing for sure, a patron needs to grow his beard to the fullest at first to get a long and full beard. So, let it grow until it becomes long enough. Make sure that the beard is getting enough nutrition to grow healthy. Using beard oil regularly can help you in this regard. Once the beard is long and healthy, let’s dig deep into the steps to get a long beard like a pro.

Bracing Long Beard Trends for You


  • The Tools: Before going any further steps, make sure you have the right tools to brush & trim the long beard. A wide-toothed comb, trimmer, scissors, razor, mirror and, of course, beard balm and oil is necessary to get healthy hair.
  • Comb It Out:  This is the most important step. Comb out the facial hair to drag out the straggling hair. Comb the beard following the natural growth route of the hair. Once the combing is done, you will notice some unevenness. Nad, that’s what we are looking for.
  • Clean Up Strays: Now clean up the straggling hair using scissors or a clipper. Go gently as you may cut a whole bunch of hair if the clipper or scissors are kept too close to the beard. Shape the beard as carefully as possible.
  • Resize the Beard:  Well! This step is all about one’s personal preferences. Some guys like to keep a huge volume of a long beard and some others want to keep it long but not too much longer. If you want to make it a bit shorter, trim it off with a high setting guard.
  • Fade and Trim: Check the areas between sideburns and ears. These areas usually have some hair which grows upward instead of going down. Fade them in the right way to get a good looking transition between the hair and the beard.
  • Comb and Clean: Comb the beard out again to find the strays which may go missed out in the first place. Clean the strays and get a well-groomed look with a long beard.
  • Cheek Line and Neckline: Picking up the perfect cheek line and the neckline is the basic things of any beard. You can draw an imaginary cheek line and neckline and shave off anything that you consider unexpected.
  • The Final Touch: Apply a beard oil to supply moisturizers and a beard balm to add styling. The long desired long beard is ready to rock.


How to Maintain a Long Beard

maintain long beard

Trimming or shaping a beard is not enough to get the best output from a long beard. It calls for sincere attention and proper maintenance. One must know what to DO and what NOT to DO while having a long and full beard. Learn the Do’s and Don’ts from here.


The Do’s

  1. Wash the beard at regular interval and use beard oil on daily basis.
  2. Make sure the beard is dry before doing any kind of trimming.
  3. Stretch out the skin while shaving closely to the skin.
  4. Brush out the mustache carefully to get rid of the strays and trim it following the direction of natural hair growth.
  5. Choose quality shaving tools to get a quality beard.
  6. If you want a tight fade, take off the guard of the trimmer while fading and tapering the sideburns.
  7. Get rid of the strays at least twice in a week.


The Don’ts

  1. Don’t pick the wrong sized guard even out of a mistake. Some mistakes will be considered as crimes in beard shaping.
  2. Never stop conditioning the facial hair. Use shampoo and conditioner to get a silky and smooth long beard. And, don’t forget to use wax products which are really made for beard use.
  3. Finally and importantly, don’t lose hope. Some people lost their track in the middle of growing a long beard.


Having a long beard doesn’t mean merely a beard, it also means tapering those long facial hairs into a defined shape and form. And, to be able to do so, you need the tips of the pros on how to trim a long beard. Get inspired by our tips and set a beard goal right now.

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