Dutch Beard: How to Grow, Style and Maintain

The Dutch Beard which is mostly known as the Old Dutch beard is a full beard style. It is a blend of Lumberjack and Garibaldi beard. Dutch beard is recorded as one of the oldest beard styles in the history of beard styles.

This is more of an old-school beard style without a mustache. But don’t confuse it with the Amish Beard. If you are still confused read the article till the end to know everything about this exclusive beard style.

What Is a Dutch Beard Style?

The Dutch beard style is defined by a long and full beard that covers the entire chin and extends down the neck, with the mustache being shaved. The sides of the beard usually taper upwards towards the ears. But it can be 

Like the Amish Beard, the Dutch beard is also worn without a mustache and is known as a Shenandoah beard. But the Amish beard is primarily worn as a religious symbol by married men within the Amish community, while the Dutch beard is a style choice rather than a religious or cultural commitment.

Also, Amish beard is typically grown long and full, without much trimming and grooming. In contrast, the sides of the Dutch beard taper upwards towards the ears, and it is maintained by regular trimming.

History of the Dutch Beard

Dutch beard styles date back to the 17th century when it was popular among Dutch merchants and explorers. It was a symbol of wealth and status, as well as a way to protect the face from harsh weather conditions.

Over time, the Dutch beard has evolved, and today, it is a trendy style that appeals to men who appreciate its timeless appeal. As it is not associated with any religious belief like Amish beard, some modern Dutch beard styles also include a mustache.

The Look of a Proper Dutch Beard

Dutch Beard Styles

It is a full-fledged beard that gets connected with the sideburns. And, the beard is flared at the bottom. Make sure, there is no place for a mustache as Dutchmen were not allowed to have one in the then time.

Let the beard grow, shave the mustache off and trim the long beard in a way so that the bottom part looks squared off. That’s the simple recipe of a Dutch beard.

How To Grow A Dutch Beard

Growing a Dutch beard can be a fantastic and stylish way to express your individuality. It’s an excellent choice, and here are the steps personalized just for you to grow your very own Dutch beard:

Dutch beard is characterized by a long beard that tapers upward, with a mustache that doesn’t connect to the beard. Here are the steps to grow a Dutch beard with the correct shape:

  1. Give your facial hair at least 2-3 months to grow out fully. Refrain from shaving during this time.
  2. Cleanse and moisturize your skin regularly to create a healthy environment for beard growth.
  3. Consume a balanced diet with plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals to support healthy hair growth. Consider taking biotin supplements, but consult a healthcare professional first.
  4.  After 2-3 months, shave your mustache and trim your beard to achieve the Dutch beard shape. Keep the length on your chin and jawline but taper it upward as it reaches the sides of your face. If you like to know about shaping your beard read our article on how to

By following these steps, you’ll be able to grow a Dutch beard with the correct tapered shape. Once you’ve achieved the desired length and shape, you can then focus on maintaining and styling your beard as needed. Enjoy your beard-growing journey!

Top Dutch Beard Styles to Get Inspired

Dutch beard style is similar to other full beard styles. The difference is mainly in the mustache and the bottom portion of the beard. One thing is sure to be followed. There will be no mustache and another distinctive feature of Dutch beard is the bottom part will look a bit flyered. If anyone maintains these two thumb rules, It’s very easy to have stunning dutch beards.

#1. Classic Old Dutch

classic dutch beard

This is an example of a classy old Dutch beard. No fancy styling is required. Let the beard grow to a decent length and trim it to make it look well-groomed. Get rid of the mustache to have this good-looking Dutch beard.

#2. Bushy Squared Ginger Beard

henna dyed dutch beard

There is no prohibition regarding using a color dye for hair. You can beautify the old Dutch beard using the charm of henna dye. The reddish color of the beard will add a new dimension to the beard style.

Tips for Picking Cheek Lines That Never Goes Wrong

#3. Subtle Lining

subtle lined dutch beard style

If anyone wants to blend a modern beard style with this old-school Dutch beard, he should pick this design. At first, help your beard take the shape of a Dutch beard. Then check the neckline, cheek line, and jaw and line them up with perfection. You can also shave the soul patch to add style to the old Dutch look.

4. Modern Dutch Beard Style with Mustache

Dutch beard

A Dutch beard means a long beard without a mustache. But some modern Dutch beard styles are a more contemporary take on the traditional style. It features a mustache and it may also be connected to the beard for a more unified look.

How to Maintain A Dutch Beard

To style and maintain a dutch beard style follow these tips:

  • Trim the sides once every 2 weeks, maintain length at chin and jawline, round or square the bottom shape.
  • Comb regularly with a beard comb or soft-bristle brush
  • Trim and style mustache.
  • Apply beard oil daily
  • Use beard-specific shampoo and conditioner 2-3 times a week
  • Trim regularly, remove split ends, and maintain shape and length

Some beard style is significant in terms of historical importance. An old Dutch beard is something like that. The Dutchmen from the old time used to have a full beard omitting the mustache. And, the old style is still alive in the beards of the living Dutchmen.

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