Bearded Women: 15 Unbelievable Girls With A Beard Better Than Most Men
Girls may grow a beard too! Sounds weird? Well, that’s true. Some girls grow a beard better than some of the guys. Though a beard is considered sexy for men, it’s exactly the opposite for women.
A woman has to face immense bullying due to this abnormality. Despite all these obstacles, some girls are brave enough to carry a beard. Here’s why some girls can grow a beard.
Why Do Some Women Grow Beard

Beards are traditionally associated with masculinity, but women can have facial hair too. Facial hair can pop up during hormonal changes leading to women with beards. However, many girls with beards get bullied for their distinctive appearance, even though it results from biological conditions.
Though it’s totally a biological issue, there are many reasons behind the facial hair growth of women, among them the following are more common and diagnosable.
Women with full, distinct beards have hirsutism, which may result from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Sparser facial hair may result from menopause, pregnancy, or menstruation.
- Hirsutism: Hirsutism is a disorder that is basically genetic. It is the tendency to grow hair due to androgenesis.
- PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This is another cause that intrigues the excess facial hair growth in women.
- Hormonal Imbalance: Adrenal Hyperplasia, Tumors in Pituitary, Liver Disease, Elevated Androgen Levels, etc. are somewhat related to the hormonal organs of the body. And, they might cause facial hair growth in women.
Ins and Outs of Beard Transplant
Hirsutism is a condition defined by excessive body hair in unusual places. It comes about from rising androgen levels and androgen sensitivity, leading to hair growth on the face, chest, abdomen, and back.
Women with hirsutism have high levels of testosterone that increase the size, intensity, and pigmentation of hair growth. Those with the condition may have deep voices, larger muscles, and acne.
High levels of insulin may produce androgens that lead to hirsutism as well. Other causes include:
- Pregnancy
- Hyperinsulinemia or hypoinsulinemia
- Ovarian cysts
- Tumors
- Androgen or anabolic steroids
- Acromegaly
- Minoxidil use
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is considered the most common cause of hirsutism. This endocrine disorder manifests as ovarian cysts, with other symptoms including:
- Amenorrhea
- Oligomenorrhea
- Infertility
- Chronic anovulation
- Hyperandrogenism
- Acne
- Hirsutism
- Hypermenorrhea
- Androgenic alopecia
- Metabolic syndrome
- Insulin resistance
- Inclination towards obesity
- Low energy levels
- High insulin resistance, serum insulin, and homocysteine levels
- Enlarged ovaries with polycystic follicles around eggs
PCOS counts for 72% to 82% of all hirsutism cases. While not fully understood, the disease arises from environmental and genetic factors. Physical inactivity and obesity can lead to PCOS, but non-obese individuals can still be diagnosed, particularly if they have a family history.
Hormonal Fluctuations
Women may develop a thicker peach fuzz during their menstrual cycle, menopause, or pregnancy because of hormonal changes. Increasing androgen and testosterone levels may lead to facial hair growth.
If you notice a sudden increase in facial hair growth unexplained by PCOS or natural hormonal changes, you may have adrenal cancer or another disorder. However, the growth may just be a symptom of aging.
Treating Women with Beards
Girls with beards may want a treatment to reduce the amount of hair on their bodies.
Actions like shaving, waxing and tweezing work well for minor facial hair growth, but you might need a more invasive treatment for a long-term effect.
Medicines that employ antiandrogenic properties may help treat hirsutism. These drugs can block dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone to mitigate unwanted hair growth.
Birth control pills are a common treatment for PCOS and hirsutism due to their progesterone and estrogen levels since they can reduce the size of cysts and eliminate excess hair. It may, however, take a few months for changes to appear.
Some doctors prescribe drugs designed as antiandrogens, such as:
- Bicalutamide
- Cyproterone acetate
- Dutasteride
- Eflornithine
- Finasteride
- Flutamide
- GnRH analogs
- Metformin
- Spironolactone
Surface Treatments
A more rapid solution to the visual effects of hirsutism includes shaving, waxing, and using depilatory creams. You would need to repeat these steps several times a month, depending on the speed of growth.
However, one can perform these procedures at home, making them useful for those who do not have a prescription to treat their issues.
Long-term treatments like laser hair removal, epilation, and electrolysis may also help reduce hair growth by damaging the hair follicles.
These techniques require multiple sessions and can become costly. While they have a high success rate, they do not treat the root of the issue, so they may not work.
When combining a surface treatment with medication, one can more readily reduce facial hair.
Lifestyle Changes
If you developed PCOS from physical inactivity or obesity, you might improve your condition by exercising and losing weight. Those with high levels of insulin resistance may want to go on a low-calorie diet or seek other treatments to manage this issue.
Reducing insulin resistance can decrease the free testosterone in the body, which reduces the symptoms of hirsutism.
Overall, striving for an active, healthy lifestyle can improve the condition and reduce hair.
The Girls Who Rule With a Beard
Despite hirsutism affecting 5-15% of all women, it can lead to bullying from others. This negative stigma may lead to social challenges and psychological distress in afflicted individuals. Many women with hirsutism avoid social situations and have depression or anxiety.
It needs great determination and resistance to grow a beard like a man despite being a woman. Some women have done it getting over all the odds of society and their surroundings.
Social media has made it more possible to find representation. Those with hirsutism can look to models and influencers with the condition to help boost their confidence.
We have made the prestigious list of these brave women who stood against the current and tried to say something right about the evil face of society. Here are a few female celebrities with facial hair.
1. Little Bear Schwarz
Little Bear Schwarz is a victim of the hormonal disease Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which refers to one kind of hormonal imbalance. She first realized it at the age of 14. As a teenager, it was obviously a tough call to undergo such abnormalities. Then, she realized that hair is nothing but a natural phenomenon and decided not to hide it.
She finds her beard natural, beautiful, and feminine. She started loving her beard when she learned that it did not negatively impact her health and was just an extension of her.
2. Rose Geil
Rose Geil confronted excess hair growth at the very beginning of her teen. She used to shave daily back then when she was 13 years old. She also tried some laser treatments but nothing could give her a permanent solution.
She finally gave up on laser hair removal and found peace with her appearance. Now, she feels confident, feminine, and sexy from the freedom she has allowed herself to live her truth.
3. Kore Bobisuthi
Another bearded lady is rocking motherhood like a boss. Beard was never an issue for this woman. She equally wears a beard and raises children. If you want an inspirational bearded lady who is a regular mother, Kore Bobisuthi is the name.
Kore Bobisuthi is a mom who shows her beard off in facial hair competitions. She has PCOS and used to shave until she got tired of it. Now, she wears her beard with pride as she raises her children.
4. Jennifer Miller
Jennifer Miller is a bearded lady who embraces the traditional career of those with hirsutism by performing in a circus. However, she is also a teacher at the Brooklyn Pratt Institute.
Miller was never confused about the beard. Her beard grows and she keeps it. She gained fame for both her circus performance and beard.
Women With Unexpected Mustache
5. Harnaam Kaur
Harnaam Kaur is a British model who is also a body-positive activist. She encountered severer bullying in the early stages of her life. But, she overcomes all the barriers and has become an inspirational figure all over the world.
6. Conchita Wurst
Famous Austrian singer Thomas Neuwirth, popularly known as Conchita Wurst considers himself a cis man who is a drag artist.
Though he looks like a trans-woman but actually not. Conchita Wurst is a female character popularly known for the iconic beard as shown above.
7. Annalisa Hackleman
Annalisa Hackleman is also a victim of PCOS. This polycystic ovary syndrome helps a woman grow facial hair like a man. She underwent some laser treatment to reduce her beard but it didn’t work.
When they failed, she learned to accept herself and began viewing her beard as a unique characteristic that made her special.
Since then she is wearing a beard and thinks herself a proud bearded lady.
8. Nova Galaxia
Nova Galaxia used to panic about going without her razor, but she learned to put it down and embrace her hair growth.
Within a few months, she fell in love with her body and boosted her confidence. Now, she talks to women with similar issues to help them find their confidence.
9. Alma Torres
Alma Torres is a woman with PCOS who views her beard as a form of self-expression. She had dropped out of school from the shame of her beard, and she dyed her hair in unusual colors and got piercings to detract from it.
Now, she has stopped caring about beauty standards, embraced her natural appearance, and feels more confident than ever.
Bad Beard Examples that You Will Hate
10. Vivian Wheeler
The Guinness World Record holder for the longest beard on a female. Her 10-inch beard is a result of her passion and dedication. She ties it up to do her daily chores but takes proper care of it to keep it healthy. Wheeler’s unique facial hair has opened doors for her and made her an iconic Guinness World Record holder, breaking the stereotype that beards are only for men.
Bearded Women Throughout the History
Bearded women have existed throughout history, and their facial hair often led to their exhibition in circuses, sideshows, and other forms of entertainment.
Many of these women suffered from medical conditions such as hypertrichosis or hirsutism, which caused excessive hair growth on their faces and bodies.
Despite facing ridicule and discrimination, some of these women became successful performers and gained fame for their unusual appearances.
11. Clémentine Delait
Clémentine Delait was a remarkable French woman born in the late 19th century, whose facial hair growth was both a blessing and a curse. While she was exhibited in circuses throughout Europe and America and faced ridicule and discrimination.
Nonetheless, her bearded appearance fascinated many and earned her a place in history as one of the most famous bearded women.
12. Jane Barnell
Jane Barnell was a woman ahead of her time, who challenged traditional gender norms and societal expectations in the late 19th and early 20th century. With her facial hair growth, she became an icon in the circus and sideshow industry.
13. Julia Pastrana (1834-1860)
Julia was a Mexican woman who had medical conditions of hypertrichosis and facial hair growth. She was exhibited in sideshows and circuses as a performer due to her bearded appearance, which fascinated audiences across the world.
14. Annie Jones (1860-1902)
She became one of history’s most famous performers with hypertrichosis, a rare condition causing facial hair growth. Touring with P.T. Barnum’s circus from a young age, Jones captured hearts with her performance and became an icon in the entertainment world.
15. Madame Clofullia (1831-1884)
A Swiss performer who gained notoriety in circuses throughout Europe and North America as the “Bearded Lady.” Her facial hair growth was heavily marketed as a selling point for her act.
Despite facing ridicule and discrimination throughout her career, Madame Clofullia remained dedicated to her craft and paved the way for future bearded women
Beard is a natural phenomenon. None can grow it from the outside but can influence the inner mechanism to lessen or increase the growth.
Sometimes, beards are unexpected, especially for women. But, we have nothing to do except admit the rule of nature. If you have a beard, keep it.