23 Ways To Style A Horseshoe Mustaches To Stand Out

A horseshoe mustache might look a little complicated at first but with practice, any man can make one. To create such a mustache you will need to grow a full mustache and a short beard.

Then you will have to wield your precision trimmer to make two columns out of the beard to look as if they are a continuation of your mustache.

The hair inside the columns and around them should be neatly shaved. However, some men choose to have a soul patch in between.

A Horseshoe mustache looks very stylish but it requires regular maintenance to appear neat. Men who care about their appearance and want to create something different will love the way such a mustache will look. It definitely deserves a try.

Horseshoe Mustache Styles to Diversify Your Style

When you just start out on your way to getting a horseshoe mustache, you might be spending a lot of time making it. However, with practice, it will only take several minutes to maintain it. There are many different horseshoe mustache options out there.

We have prepared 23 interesting horseshoe mustaches for you to consider. The mustache got its name for looking like a horseshoe. Some say that a horseshoe hung upside down is unlucky. This is definitely not true for the mustache since looking stylish can only attract luck.

1. Horseshoe Mustache with Wide Soul Patch and Long Sideburns

horseshoe mustache with glasses

Take things up a notch with this style as it involves working on 3 different parts. Firstly, you grow a perfect horseshoe mustache and secondly, you fill the gap between the legs of the mustache with a wide soul patch. The icing on the cake will be the extended sideburns that cover your lower jaw.  

2. Thick Horseshoe Mustache with Jawline Extension

thick horseshoe mustache

While a horseshoe mustache is already quite a sight to behold, you can add to it a classic style isn’t enough for you. This thick mustache has extensions that cover the jawline. The extensions should start thick, but taper as they reach close to the lower jaw. 

3. Petite Horseshoe Mustache with No Soul Patch

horseshoe mustache for oval face

The petite style of this mustache is well-trimmed and forms a perfect square with your chin. The soul patch is missing so your lips are enclosed in a proper square. The geometry of this style is perfect for those who have an oval face.

4. Salt and Pepper Mustache with a Thick Toe

grey horseshoe mustache

A thick toe, if you’re aware of the anatomy of a horseshoe, would mean a thicker mustache above your upper lip. You complement it with thin branches. The salt and pepper style can be a great pick for the men who are in their 40s. 

5. Heavy Stubble Mustache with 5 o’clock Shadow

horseshoe facial hair

You want a fancy looking mustache but you don’t want the rest of your face to be cleanly shaven either. Combine a 5 o’clock shadow with a heavy stubble mustache. Maintaining this style will require you to shave quite frequently. Keeping or not keeping a soul patch won’t matter unless you go for a big one. 

6. Dark Mustache with Contrasting and Curved Heels

older bald guy with horseshoe mustache

This mustache is unique in two ways. One, the heel is grey, which contrasts with the mustache. Two, the heels are curved and extended onto the jawline. This combo is a perfect way to show the world you haven’t lost your sense of style despite your age. 

7. Horseshoe Mustache with Round Soul Patch and Long Hair

horseshoe mustache with long hair

Aim for that heavy metal look by growing your hair and pairing it up with a horseshoe mustache–kind of like James Hetfield from his St. Anger era. While the heavy metal icon grew long sideburns too, you can rest assured that a rounded soul patch would suffice.

8. Uneven Horseshoe Mustache with Hints of Grey

horseshoe mustache with curly hair

If your mustache grows unevenly with slight patchiness here and there, you can still show it off with a horseshoe mustache. Let your maturity peek through with slight hints of grey. Also, grow your beard just enough so its curliness matches your curly hair–that’s a look people will surely remember.

9. Two Tone Mustache with Light Stubble and Long Sideburns

horseshoe mustache style for men

Be the face people always remember with a blonde horseshoe mustache with dark ends. Let light stubble grow on the face if you want to go for the scruffy look. Add another layer of stylishness by growing long sideburns. The style should look great with mid and high-fade hair styles.

10. Thick Mustache with Light Stubble and Clean Cheek Lines

ginger horseshoe mustache

A unique way to style your facial hair is to grow a thick horseshoe mustache on a background of very light stubble. Moreover, grow the stubble just enough to have noticeable cheek lines when you shave them. It looks even cooler when you have red facial hair.

11. The Trident

horseshoe mustache 2

This upside down trident mustache is a great idea for a man of any occupation. It is a complicated facial hairstyle that will make your image really solid. You will need to pay special attention to keeping the middle part of the trident well-shaped.

12. Good Angles

horseshoe mustache 4

When you are considering a large horseshoe mustache, you need to take care of the angles. Make the columns at a 90 degree angle to the top part and your mustache will look more like a gate than a horseshoe. You can add a soul patch to make the image even more impressive.

13. The Classics

 classic horseshoe mustache foe men

The classical horseshoe will look as pictures above. The mustache is trimmed to cover half of the lower lip. The ends of it stop at the mouth corners. The columns start running down straight from the mustache tips.

14. Bushy Horseshoe

horseshoe mustache 6

If you want to get away from the classical look, consider making a bushy mustache. The shape of it will stay the same, while the hair is left as long as you wish. Just make sure to shave the rest of the facial hair, otherwise the look will be too messy.

15. Long Horseshoe

nice Long horseshoe for cricket player

The length of the hair that make up you horseshoe mustache can vary. If you have sparse hair, you can leave it longer in order to cover up the bold spots. Try to keep the hair all the same length in order to avoid an untidy look.

16. Horseshoe with Unkempt Beard

Horseshoe with Unkempt Beard

This horseshoe mustache style is one of the easiest to grow and maintain. Apart from the first few weeks when you have to grow out the beard necessary for a horseshoe and then cut it out, there’s not much to maintain with the rest of the face. You can just let the facial hair grow around it.

17. Short Horseshoe with Light Stubble

Short Horseshoe with Light Stubble

We’ve written extensively about light stubbles. You could combine a plethora of styles with a horseshoe mustache but matching your short horseshoe to a light stubble is probably one of the best decisions you’ll make. It looks even better if you have the right face for light stubble.

18. Short and Bushy

Short and Bushy Horseshoe Mustache

A short and bushy horseshoe is easier for those with a wide upper lip area and high beard growth. The ends of the horseshoe extend a little bit below the lips but are cut short. The rest of the face is clean shaved.

19. Natural Bushy Horseshoe

Natural Bushy Horseshoe Mustache

This style is kept all-natural. You do have to keep the rest of the face clean shaved. Maybe a slightly grown overnight beard would still be fine.

But the mustache is naturally grown. It’s an ideal style for those with a lot of beard growth. And it’s not an easy style to grow or maintain.

20. Natural and Patchy Horseshoe

Patchy Horseshoe

If you have patchy facial hair growth, you can still grow a horseshoe. Yes, there might be uneven growth in some places but it would still be a legit horseshoe mustache if you maintain the length of the facial hair.

21. Let It Grow

horseshoe mustache 8

Want to get really creative? Allow the ends of the horseshoe columns run down your neck as long as you wish. The beard will look as if it continues far under your chin. Such mustache will require some extra maintenance.

22. Leave a Stubble

stubble horseshoe mustache for cool men

If your profession doesn’t require a clean shaven look, you can go for leaving a stubble around your mustache. Just make sure not to overdo it. Otherwise, the neat horseshoe will be lost against the hairy background.

23. The Longer The Better

horseshoe mustache 10

If you are into full beards, you will love this type of horseshoe mustache style. You will need to grow the hair as long as you can and then trim it on a regular basis to look neat. Don’t limit yourself to a certain length. The longer the better!

A Horseshoe mustache is a real find for men who are not afraid of experiments and love fashionable facial hairstyles. If you are not sure that you an make such a mustache on your own, you can ask for professional help.

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