Editorial Guidelines

Our team of editors and writers are passionate about the world of beard grooming and styles. We are committed to creating original, helpful, and accurate content free of prejudice, bias, or preferential treatment of brands.

In particular, we uphold the following editorial policies:


When sourcing information, we rely on primary sources such as expert interviews, professional social media accounts of barbers and grooming experts, and professional institutions. All data points, facts, and claims are backed by peer-reviewed studies, up-to-date clinical research, or extensive personal experience of content creators. Our readers’ interests are our top priority, and we avoid clickbait, ensuring every article delivers what it promises in the headline.


We uphold the standards of journalistic integrity and fact-check all claims and statistics included in our articles. We ensure that writers accurately cite all direct quotes from qualified experts without distorting or altering the original idea. Proper references are provided for all beard style ideas.

If you notice an issue with a specific piece of content or a wrong reference, please bring it to our attention by emailing us.

Editors and Writers Ethics Code

Our editors and writers adhere to standards of honest and transparent writing, independent of advertiser influence. If you visit certain links within our content, we may receive commissions from your purchases, but we do not receive compensation for choosing to feature any specific product. Recommendations are based purely on personal experience using the product or analysis of its ingredients, along with feedback from verified users.

Content on BeardStyle.net is produced by humans, for humans, and is never automatically generated. We strive to engage only practicing or former barbers and grooming experts in content creation and have strict rules forbidding the use of AI writing tools.

Corrections and Updates

We regularly review and update our evergreen content to ensure it features fresh ideas and reflects industry trends. We do not routinely refresh stories covering daily news and trending topics. The date of the last update is displayed at the top of each article.

If there is an error you would like to point out to us, please do so by emailing us.

Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to sharing multicultural voices and celebrating diverse races, cultures, ages, body types, and beard textures. We have updated our policies and developed actionable steps to promote diversity and inclusion.

  • We feature diverse experts representing various cultural and ethnic backgrounds on our website and social media accounts.
  • Our brand style guide has been updated to include the use of inclusive language and to avoid bias (intentional and unintentional). We actively review popular articles and articles on culturally and body image-sensitive topics with these guidelines in mind.
  • We prioritize submissions and cooperation requests from content creators representing diverse communities to promote their visibility and share of voice in the grooming niche.
  • We pledge to duly research and cover beard styles and grooming practices across different cultures, avoiding incorrect or misleading attributions and appropriation.
  • We pledge not to photoshop photos of our writers and contributors and their contributions, but we do not take responsibility for the photo editing of images by contributors themselves.

These guidelines ensure that our content is high-quality, accurate, and inclusive, providing our readers with the best information and inspiration for beard grooming and styles.